PC Grow : Lowryder and Sharksbreath


Active Member
Haha. Well I had a crazy night last night.

My friends and I were all kicking it at my friends house and we were hittin the hookah, hittin the zong, hitting the pipe hittin everything a 4:20 PM haha so anyways we heard about this party so we show up to it and it wasnt even a party and the guy guy hosting it was like "Get the fuck out Cody(me), I didnt even invite you" I was drunk and high and I was like " Fuck you fagget your such a lil amuteur! you dont know how to throw parties fool wtf I can get this shit crackin if you dont pussy out" He pussied out even tho his parents were away and he even said I could go to his partry earlier that day. I was so mad cuz like I had my friend drive us there cuz I was way to fucked up to drive and when we get there the faggest host just kicks us out. Then the funny part..

My friend ALex was helluh drunk and he walked up to Kyle(host) and was like "heres for making cody get us a ride and we come here for nothing" and then he just socks the shit out of him like helluh in the face and the dome and I was just watching like OHH FUCKK! and I was helluh laughing. And when alex gets pulled off him alex just starts laughing and shit it was funny as fuck and kyle was crying like a lil bitch. HAAA goood times goood times.

Anyways I had to sleep in a playground cuz I had no ride home:( but then i sobered up and drove home and here I am at home:)

My plants got huge haha like the leaves are like bigger then ever! Ill get pics later today


Active Member
Well, 2 days ago my light fell on my lowryder. One little leave shriveled up and 2 other leaves have some burn marks on them. I really don't know what to do. It's doing some crazy ass shit. The leaves will reach up then go down, reach In ward, haha I found it somewhat funny how they looked sometimes.

On the other hand my sharksbreath is doing great:) if a light falls on my love I will be so pissed.

If my lowryder dies I will replace it with a auto ak47

Pray for my lowryder!!


Active Member
Well my lowryder is still growing. Ha:) I just got some seeds in the mail. 2 white widow feminized and 5 regular northern lights:)

V12xjs, what day did you start lst?

I would put some pictures up but I'm writing this on my iPhone cuz my computer is all fucked up.

Until then, just imagine haha


Active Member
Dont worry guys Im still with ya!

My computer is fucked up hard with a hard virus so im using my friends laptop..

No pictures yet.. sorry

maybe in the next update

I tied my sharksbreath down(LST) on its 16th day:)

Unfortunetley my lowryder died:(

I replaced it with a norhtern lights yesterday:)

So yeah just a lil update:)
