Pc grow plan, what do you think

past times

Well-Known Member
thinking about doing a pc grow for the fun of it. i have this 70w hps laying around that i took apart and have what i think is the ballast detached. worried about heat though...
going to test it but do you think it would be cool enough if i put a plaxi glass seperating the light from the grow area with an air outake fan in that section and an intake in the bottom section.

think it will be cool enough? have crazy plans for maximizing yield. planning on planting 2 or 3 white widow max clones so the stems come out of the side of the pot horizontally. then i am going to train them on a screen and flower once they are filling most of the screen. who knows though, never done anything this small.

any thoughts/sugestions?
i have one of those PC Planters from sunlightsheds.com you might want to check it out for some design ideas. to be honest, i never had much luck with it but i don't exactly have a green thumb.
i thought about topping, but i think would work better if i scrog after i let them grow vertical for a bit then transplant so they are sidways. this way the small soil containers will be off to the sides and i will allow more bud sites hopefully.

i just came off growing just shy of 8 z's all for personal use so i am not too worried about how it ends up, more the challenge then anything else.

any more ideas on the lights though? really only seen these things with cfl's...going to try to fabricate tonight though so maybe i can let you know what the temp runs and maybe get a grow journal going for it
well the sunlight sheds PC Planter uses a 50w MH bulb with two little PC fans (one in/one out) and it stays cool.
yeah but that hps is going to be hotter than a 50w mh. im interested in the plexi glass idea, wonder if it will work?
im also doin a pc grow, im thinkin of useing cfls or mh bulbs ive also got blueberry seeds and a cheese cuttin (potted)wot would work best im new2 this!, when i get the doh i will get a grow tent wiv a 400 hps my friend is doin this wiv good results (cheese)lol
blueberry might be too stretchy for the small space. get a predominant indica for your pc.

update on the setup. i am working on getting a camera but i have everything set up with the 70hps . the entire chamber is 18"l x 16.5"h x 6.5"w the plexi glass is set up so there is an opening at the opposite end of the outtake fan. the intake fan is right under the outtake fan but on the other side of the plexi glass. i did a hand test on heat and it is pretty warm above the glass, but you cant even tell under the plexi glass. cheers to that.

getting pretty excited about this. the clones are on day 4. thinking about starting a aurora indica from seed also just to see if i can train it in there some how. next challenge is the limited height...i have 13.5 inches total to work with. brainstorming on that for the next week while the clones root.
Sounds like this might work. One thing I would suggest if possible to move the intake and outtake fans farther apart. The intake is sucking all the hot air that the exghaust is removing. One more thing do you have a way to raise the plants up and down? Post some pics when you have a chance and keep us posted. Good Luck!

I've got 2 70w HPS and 2 65w CFL's in my dresser and the heat output is definitely minimal. I think a single 70w HPS could easily be cooled with a single 120mm exhaust fan hooked up to pull air from your grow area, up your plants, through one side of the plexi glass, over your bulb and exhaust on the opposite side of the bulb outside your case... Just drill some holes on one side of the Plexi glass. Just an idea if temps do get a little warmer but I doubt they will if you have a decent ventilation system hooked up already. Good luck man, I`ll be checking back
about the fans i was starting to think the same thing. there is a slot on the pc on the bottom corner on the opposite side that i am probably going to move the fan to...i think that should realy circulate the air well. guess i wont really know till i get some plants in there.

as far as the raising and lowering goes i will just use some cut up 2x4 or something until it gets time to transplant horizontally. i think i am going to let them grow as tall as possible then tip them over, tranplant, scrog them, and flower at the same time. pics will come soon.
oh yeah, and how good does this sound, my girl is changing into something i dont even know about while i am smoking at of my new vaporizor. i mean it could be lacy...stringy...who knows
Keep the box sealed and run constant fan, I have a giant box in the closet and she should be an oven, but i keep a 'wind tunnel' effect going and have no probs with heat.
planted 3 aurora, and have 3 clones a week into rooting. i am thinking about not doing the horizontal planting with scrog. just n ot enough room. now i am thinking about letting them get to be 6 inches or so and clipping them back down to about 3 inches...letting them recover for a week then switch to flowering. i am going to keep them in one pot the whole time, starting with only filling it half way, and later on adding more soil. hopefully ill end with 4 plants each with 4-6 heads...

i might just be stoned out of my mind but i think it is going to work