PC Grow - Power Supply mounting?


Well-Known Member
Its been a while, so im hoping this is the correct section. As title say...anyone have any suggestion about mounting the power supply in the case? Zip ties seems to be a SAFE way, but you have to drill holes on the back of the case, light leaks etc. Is there any type of adhesive that could hold the power supply onto the case? I really hope this is the right section :eyesmoke:. Thanks guys


I suggest making your lights moveable, try adding hooks to the top of your PC case so that you can raise your lights when the plants get too close, it will be a lot more efficient, giving a lot better, harder, and closer nugs. Good luck my friend, I look forward to seeing more from you.

Edit: Sorry, I read your post wrong the first time, try running a light trap for your cord and place the power supply on the outside, and have the cords run out to it, no light leaks and you'll still be able to move your lights.


Well-Known Member
If its metal on the top of the PC. Might be better to use large fridge magnets with the clips on them. that way you have full adjustment of the lights. You can use gorilla duct tape, fold it over and mount the power strip with that.


Well-Known Member
i liked the velcro idea best but they also make a product called liquid nails. use it right and that powerbar will never move again. Ive tried mighty putty but that shit sucks. Total letdown, supports UP TO 350 lbs is cleverly worded to fuck you over.


Well-Known Member
trust me. gorrila tape works well and it has multiple uses, like for ducting and light leaks. unlike velcro.
I just suggest Velcro in case he wants to be able to move the power strip and such. In case you don't want it to be permanent. I've always had good luck with it but do whatever suits your needs. Nobody else can grow for you. Take people's advice and use it how you want. Good luck man. Hope it turns out well.


Active Member
2 very small holes (can be made with simply a pick and a hammer or a drill), and fishing line, and 2 small screws (like PC screws). Drop line through, loop over power supply, back through the hole, wrap around screw, screw into the hole.

lets you hang it and adjust its levels, very thin yet very strong, wont be seen and keeps the holes small, you can then take a piece of tape (electrical if black case, masking if white case) and cover the screw and hole, for no light leakage