Pc grow


Active Member
Hello every one thanks for visiting Ok so I have plans set in motion for a computer grow box, I haven't gotten my pc yet but I plan on using two computer fans one for exaust and one for ventalation, I plan on using five 25watt cfl's on powerstrip mounted inside the top. I have 1 GDP seed germing so I plan on doing that one by it's self to see how things panned out I'm going to vegg for only 2 to 3 weeks pending on how fast it grows, then I'm gnus top and incorporate a screen inside the box hopefully it will increase yield a little bit. I have my fans spliced up to an old cell phone charger and they work great it's a super easy and cheap exaust for something small. I plan on using soil in something a little bigger than a plastic cup I want a pretty big root system for the lil guy so It can absorbe the maximum nutes. This is my first computer grow but I have a decent ammout of experience so I plan on getting a half oz off of it tops but more like a super fat qaud this is just because I like to grow and smoke my own meds. I'm getting a clone tomorrow I'm going tj let the GDP grow out a bit , so my space is alot s
smaller than I thought I
Have 14 inch's total I figure in a cup max I can get is 9 inches of plant but I was thinking if I got a container almost like a small tubber wear Container with drain holesncould give me another 2 in so that's 11 in then I can lst to that def increases potential all in all I think it's gonna be fun like a bonzi

Have you ever done a pc grow or know any one who has, any advice or comments on what I've already got are greatly appreciated..

Ok I have pics I'll try and get em up in the morning. My fans are running perfect I fit three 25 wtt lights on the power strip and the fans. With everything on and running it super quite


Active Member
ok so the clone is green crack and the seedling is grand daddy purple

IMG_6416.jpg IMG_7776.jpg this isnt leaning im gonna try lst so its tyed down


Well-Known Member
yo dude i'm subbed up. let me know if you need any help. might wanna wrap that white cup in duct tape to block out light to the roots. a bigger pot would help kinda like te one i haave my blueberry in. what is that you have your sides lined with?


Active Member
Sides are lined with Mylar aka a balloon cut in two and yeah I gotta get that cup changed out. What do ya mean by subbed up? Sorry didn't get it


When my PC case retires and I clean it out, it will be awesome. It's huge, has a 8 inch across round fan on the side pannel, a pretty big one on the top, an exaust fan on the back, and two intake fans on the front.

Or I could just design something from an old nightstand... hell if you spray paint it all flat white, and stick in a couple cfls some scrog would be great [ :.

Not a big fan on micro grows (yield is like, nothing) , but for a hobby it's fun! GL


Active Member
When my PC case retires and I clean it out, it will be awesome. It's huge, has a 8 inch across round fan on the side pannel, a pretty big one on the top, an exaust fan on the back, and two intake fans on the front.

Or I could just design something from an old nightstand... hell if you spray paint it all flat white, and stick in a couple cfls some scrog would be great [ :.

Not a big fan on micro grows (yield is like, nothing) , but for a hobby it's fun! GL
Thanks for yur post . Any relevance though?


Well-Known Member
I'm subd too :) Love pc grows hehe. Well, just let you know that you'll probably want to remove all the metallic parts from inside the box so you have more space for the plants. Also use bigger pots as crazytrain said, light and ventilation is looking good.

You may want to search in the forum for other people's pc grows, you can get many ideas from them.
Also could you let us know the measures of the box ? it looks really small on those pic you posted.

Good look with the grow ;)


Active Member
Dimensions are 14hx14Lx7w it's pretty small and I had major malfunctions my light fell and killed the GDP baby and messed up the crack pretty bad it might pull through I'm pretty bummed but I have a northern lights seed germing so it will prob just be that I will update with clone and seedling status in a couple days and do alot of research on micro growing