PC Grow



This is my first attempt at a PC grow box. It's pretty much complete with the exception of a drain pan and a shelf or something to raise the pots towards the lights.

I've ordered some Jackberry F3 from Sannies and will start germinating them tonight. The pictures I have are for reference only. Tomorrow or the next day, I will snap some pictures of everything working (hopefully). You may notice I don't have much in the ways of reflectivity. I'm not really worried about it. This is my first "experiment" so I will adjust things in the future for a better grow.

I'll do my best to update this as often as I can, but I can't promise anything.:leaf:


Edit: I decided to germ the Jackberry x K.O. Kush instead. Using freebies as practice is better in my mind.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
thats nice man i want to make a pc box but i cant find a pc tower i went to goodwill and they didnt have any and i dont wanna order from the internet haha
you could probably get alot out of this if you lst it or scrog or both


Active Member
good start with the pc case. nicer one then most are using. actually have some headroom with a full atx case instead of using a mid tower.

Like you said you just need something to lift the pots up and you will be golden. for sure off to a good start



I'll be stopping by the local Hydro store today to pick up a new timer, some shears and possibly a drain pan. I PH'd my water and planted my seeds last night. With any luck, they will pop within the next few days.

The only drawback I'm seeing right now, is my exhaust fan is really loud. Luckily, I have a universal DC adapter and I can adjust the volts. 12 volts (full power) with lights on & 9 volts (much quieter) when lights are off.

So far the temps look good. I wouldn't mind dropping another 2 or 3 degrees but I'm not going to worry about that for now.

This is officially day #1 of my grow. Welcome aboard, everyone. ;-)

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
nice i have the same thermometer haha
how much did you pay for your pc?
i looked on craigslist and found some around here ebay is nice just wouldnt have to pay shipping if i got it around here


The server tower itself was only 50$ but shipping is where I got raped; it was 25$ or so plus tax. The total was like 80 something dollars. It was definitely cheaper than some of the other towers I was looking at, but I'm still disappointed I spent so much on it.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
hm yeah shipping is a bitch and with all the components in the pc makes it so heavy only if they took everything out for you haha


Active Member
i used 2 pc fans to keep the temperature just 3-4 degrees celsius above room temp ( one for intake, the other for outake- is this a word, please someone tell me ). the outake fan should blow directly on the plant, and no matter the heat from the cfl's it will be fine ...
also i can tell you now that you need more light ... i had something like that when i tried pc growbox and it grew sooo slowly... added 4 more 20w 2700k cfl's and it started growing nicely . I'll post my setup as soon as my phone comes out of service.


My light will be fine the way it is ;-). I've grown with CFL's before and never had an issue. In fact, I've used these same lights in the past 3 grows I've done. I am thinking of swapping one of my lower watt 2700k with a 42w 2700k I have laying around. However, I want to see how the heat issue pans out. If heat becomes an issue, I may start using a small ice tray in front of the intake fan, to help cool the box. Well time to check on the "ladies" and see if anyone is awake yet :lol:.


Well, no updates yet. The RH is hovering around 45%-50% and the temp at the rim of the pots is 84 degrees F. For some reason, the temp actually went down when I switched the DC adapter to 9v instead of 12v (where it was hovering around 90 degrees F). I'm hoping to see something by the end of tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Of course, I know it could take longer than that.


If you look closely on post #5, in the first picture, you can see some slits on the front of the computer. The fan is behind those slits. You can also see the fan grill on the second picture in the same post. In that case, it's in front of the grill.


Active Member
If you look closely on post #5, in the first picture, you can see some slits on the front of the computer. The fan is behind those slits. You can also see the fan grill on the second picture in the same post. In that case, it's in front of the grill.
I see it now ;). Neat box I always wanted to try something like this. Definitely won't have lighting issues in there that's for sure. Cool build! Can't wait to see your next grow.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
have you put ice infront of a fan before? my box gets really hot when i have to cover up but when i have it open it is perfect temp


I've never had to use ice before, but I'm sure it will be fine. I'm probably going to enlarge the slits a bit to get some better airflow.


Day #3: I checked my babies last night before I went to sleep and saw that the other was starting to come through the soil, so I thought I would wait until the morning to take pictures. Both are looking healthy so far and are growing very quickly.
