pc growers read..


Well-Known Member
Hey dalo

The fan in the 2nd link won't do much for airflow despite the high rpm as it's only a 60mm fan and 10mm deep. Most fans are 25mm deep which means the blades are much wider and can move 2.5x the air with the same rpm and frame size.
I use a couple of those Zalman f2's like in your first link. Not the most silent but they move plenty of air and can be run anywhere between 5-12v to give some adjustability. They also have enough power to pull air through a home made carbon filter and I doubt the 60mm would cope with that.


Well-Known Member
well i have the exact same one and it throws plenty of fresh air..and i have 2 25mm fans and the small one throws 3 times the air as both of the big ones put together


Well-Known Member
jus look at the higher cfm fans like say 55 cfm+ ideal would be 70 cfm+ but remember that the adaptors are usually 9v so the fans are not at full power so thier not putting out as much i busted some out of a old refrigerator and they really push air man