PC Micro CFL Trial #1


Active Member
cool man, this look's good so far man
Read the journal, glad to let you know im definitely subscribed. As a note of advice tho you should set up some more or more powerful cfls to really build up that bud (remember in cfl more light = More Thc and more bud). I also like your idea for a second exhaust fan just to cool it down a bit more.


Hey everyone thanks for the support and feedback! I really do appreciate all of it...I am not sure about adding more light right now...there is a bit of room for perhaps another bulb...

but here are some updated pics!

The extra venting of the heat really has helped...

This is now day 52...



Well-Known Member
Read the journal, glad to let you know im definitely subscribed. As a note of advice tho you should set up some more or more powerful cfls to really build up that bud (remember in cfl more light = More Thc and more bud). I also like your idea for a second exhaust fan just to cool it down a bit more.

i'll have to remember that ^^^^^ as i am thinking of trying this myself someday only just started looking into this, but this grow is going good so far.


Yet some more pics!

To recap I have one 65 watt 2700k CFL and two 23 watt 2700k CFLs. I went ahead and did what someone had mentioned above and replaced one of the 23 watt CFLs with a 40 watt CFL.

This should help out a bit in there...but the bad thing about adding the larger wattage bulb is the extra heat it is giving off...

Now I am not sure how to compensate for that...I already added a second exhaust fan!

Day ...56!




This is now DAY 62!! Everything is looking great...I am hoping this will be the last week.

I used a scope and the triches are milky/creamy white....I am really going for amber ones....that is the high I prefer but...it is day 62.

I am now just using Sugar Peak Grand Finale and Bloombastic...that is it...I cut out everything else....then when this is done with....I will flush for close to a week...or like 3 to 5 days....we shall see....



Well-Known Member
Nice Grow Man !
I have about the same space and same wattage (85w CFL 2700l) for one Purple Widow (she is 26 days - experimental grow).
The look of your buds give me motivation !


Nice Grow Man !
I have about the same space and same wattage (85w CFL 2700l) for one Purple Widow (she is 26 days - experimental grow).
The look of your buds give me motivation !
Thanks man and good luck with yours.

I did used a special blend of soil as well as using nutes from a few different companies....

I would add more light...CFLs are pretty cheap and more light never hurt...the more I added the better things got, remember with CFL the lumen penetration is not as deep as with HPS, so you have to saturate the lumens despite a small grow environment.


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow man, sorry I caught it late. Let us know how much you get, I forgot, is this bagseed or? How's the smell?


no worries, thanks for catching it. I am debating if I should begin flushing this week or let it go another week with Grand Finale and Bloombastic...it is really fattening up....when just a few days ago I thought it was pretty good looking...

The triches are getting even cloudier and one or two here and there are starting to turn amber, some of the really cloudy triches have this lil dome of additional amazingness right on the top...I wish I could get a picture from the microscope.

The smell is pretty heavy and potent, despite it being small, but I got a thing of Ona Gel Pro and it has masked the odor pretty well.

This was a cutting, not seed.


Active Member
dude yours looks awesome. its makng me want to attempt a bit of LST on mine, even after the disaster last night of a branch ripping off. im thinking i willl go opposit side of that branch maybe so i can get some growth in that spot,, it looks amazing though man, WTG. cant wait to find out how the bud is. where did you get your nutrients?


dude yours looks awesome. its makng me want to attempt a bit of LST on mine, even after the disaster last night of a branch ripping off. im thinking i willl go opposit side of that branch maybe so i can get some growth in that spot,, it looks amazing though man, WTG. cant wait to find out how the bud is. where did you get your nutrients?

Thanks a lot man, I got the nutes from www.igrowhydro.com

LST is not a bad idea....with these smaller grows you have to be able to maximize all the potential flower spots you can


Well-Known Member
Grats on a nice case grow there normancay.
Looks like you'll get a nice reward for your efforts :)