pc/ultimate scrog grow yield!


Active Member
so I was thinking what if i top today since I already got a 5 leaf set and see how it looks like on sat. For my update :) what do u guys think or should I wait till sat.


Well-Known Member
always wait it out patience is a virtue. at least thats what they say, your plant can only get stronger if you wait.


Active Member
Anything from 2g's to 2oz... Depends how well the variables work out in between now and the end!
agree completely matchbox.

read a couple of journals and one in particular with a yield of 2.4oz DRY.

yes -- i said dry.

just aim for .5 per w (total wattage) that's always a reasonable estimate.
actually like that estimate.

good looking out poly

always wait it out patience is a virtue. at least thats what they say, your plant can only get stronger if you wait.
cant tell you how many times i cracked this from a fortune cookie =).

but its so true. lol


Active Member
then waiting it is. =D
Its amazing how much growth my plant had put out since repotting I though it would be droopy and sad I now recommend fox farm ocean forest soil. It has worked out great for me.
Speaking of fortune cookies today I was eating panda express with my girlfriend and she wanted to drive my car home when she pulled out the fortune cookie it read. " Your seat belongs on the passenger side" lol just thought it was so ironic haha.
Those things can say the truth sometimes!;;


Active Member
hey I just notice that my second set of 3 bladed leafs has turned into a 5 bladed leaf set. Do I still top in the same place as always lol


Well-Known Member
yeah still top in the same place!

no pics or anything but my grow is going well, some of my main stems have stretched a lot since flowering and I ran out of room to tuck them down, I underestimated the growth potential of DWC lol, but I'm on I think week 3 of flower!


Well-Known Member
i'm doing like 3 weekly or so updates (whenever I get a chance) so keep an eye on the link in my sig :)


Active Member
So im planning to start feeding nutrients tommorow night
I have the ff trio.
Tiger bloom, big bloom, grow big!!
I also have my baby in the fox farm ocean forest soil.
How exactly do I feed my plant this stuff I am gonna be using a 1liter bottle so I would like to know how many tsp/liter and of what I know im suppose to start off with grow big for beg. Anybody knows how or has messed with this products.? Thanks


Active Member
I usually top once the plant gets to the third set of nodes for 3-4 main colas:
\/ <--- snip this one off

Edit: I believe fox farms ocean forest, is premixed with nutes for the first 4-6 weeks. Not completely sure tho


Active Member
Yea that's what ins do probably on sat. Or tommorow.
yea I heard of that too but I heard it's fine to add the grow big for beg. Ima look into it more and see was up.
Aldo I saw this guy grow in a PC with a 70whps what would be better that or 168w of cfls???


Well-Known Member
168wcfls. 5000k-5500k is the optimal spectrum too. just letting you know for bloom or veg 5000k is best it combines the red from 2700k and the blue from 6500k(when i said red and blue im talking about phosphers, the stuff inside the bulb)

in the future i recommend you look into some t5 lights


Well-Known Member
for any plants that are gonna be less than 3ft tall including container there is no point to using HID. you can get more light, more wattage, better spectrum and more distribution using CFLs in small spaces the intensity will not be much off a difference when it come to that low of a wattage.


Active Member
Hey, great grow you've got. I've been absent both growing and RIU for sometime now, but I've got a stripped out PC box of my own and seeds germinating.
I may set up a thread of my own, and I'd love for some other growers to pitch in if I do.

For now its nice to see others setting out on their first PC grow attempts as well.
I did a very ghetto rigged dresser grow for my first, then assisted heavily in a friends grow, but now I'm looking to get back on the horse and challenge myself to something different.
I needed stealth primarily and PC seemed to scream out as both a challenge and the answer.

I'm going to sub up and follow as you go, and hopefully I can get a thread of my own going.

I'll offer a few tips, thou I'm far from the most experienced CFL grower, but I'd hate to be a non-contributor:
- don't let them stretch, particularly if you want to keep everything nice and tight under your lights.
- definitely monitor your humid and temps, I found those to be the most helpful indicators of how the plant was doing and such. Its nice to track the humidity after a heavy soaking, see how quickly the surface of the soil dehydrates, if it stays nice and damp it means none of the water is lost too evaporation and your lady is lovin' it

Look forward to getting a chance to see some growth, and maybe post my own pics and such, a day or two and the seeds should crack. Till then :)


Active Member
Yea I have 4 42w 2,700k for flowering but I thought the hps would be better so are u saying the 168w's are better?
Or ur saying neither and to get hid?

Welcome to the thread D.tea yup my first PC case attempt and hopefully by second real harvest if it's a female =D
I had another grow going with 400w but the ended up being males =[

I really like growing mainly for a hobby but with a reward at the end :) and im going to school to become an electrician soon so this gives me alot of practice with problem solving and electrical wires.

Well start your grow man and your welcome to post here if you want to me I never know everything but always learn everything. Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Read the back of the bottle :) it'll tell you dosage! then half it for the 1st week or so then do 3/4 for another week or so then full strength. With already nuted soil just take it easy with the additions! and yeah CFL is a lot better for the space XD

I've had other grows using CFLs and had brilliant results! they're all posted up here if you go to 'Find latest started threads' in my profile and if your interested, they're kinda old so just a read it job lol :)


Active Member
Read the back of the bottle :) it'll tell you dosage! then half it for the 1st week or so then do 3/4 for another week or so then full strength. With already nuted soil just take it easy with the additions! and yeah CFL is a lot better for the space XD

I've had other grows using CFLs and had brilliant results! they're all posted up here if you go to 'Find latest started threads' in my profile and if your interested, they're kinda old so just a read it job lol :)
oh DUHHH!!! lol..but thanks on the headsup with the dosage. ima start tommorow low dosage and move in with in a week. or more since ive never messed with this soil before.



Well-Known Member
lol thanks :) though I put it down to a lot of reading, luck and practice XD or a green finger or 10 lol, I have messed up a few grows and learned from it, to succeed you have to first fail.. or something to that effect.. I still have a lot to learn as well!

Best advice anyone can give is to keep reading even if you think you know a lot, patience and practice, as you get more experience you learn how your plants react to certain things and learn to read them, what they want/need how to treat them etc. Just takes time :)