PE and DMT!


Well-Known Member
having some fun around here today.

pulled my tray from a pound of bark out of the freezer and almost pissed myself.

looks like more than last time...

not dry yet, ill get some new pics and a dry weight when its ready.

also picked some PE today from 2 tubs, got a nice 27g dry from those...

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Well-Known Member
Farkin bonus dude. you gotta recrystalise that big batch of spice with some MEK... You have so much!!!!!!!

Did you fan the penis envy too much, or why did it blue like that still in the tub?


Well-Known Member
woow 13,130mg.

i was gonna do like 5g recrystallized with heptane, would MEK work better?

maybe i have to much air circulation in my chamber. i have a fan set on a timer but it puts out alot of airflow but not directly on them,


Well-Known Member
shit ya, I was tired, had a whole day of working on my POS car, and then had to go see a client for a website.
Use heptane/bestine. My bad.


Active Member
Very Nice! :drool:

I have an extraction going on myself right now, should have a nice little stash for myself and a couple close friends shortly. Will be my 1st DMT trip. I'm interested to know though, exactly what tech are you using for your extractions? :peace:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nice one brother .... thanks for the links ... will have a close look.
Yum ... oh ya .... rep from me as well !


Active Member
ahh first timer. ur gonna be blown away.

this is the tek i use, but i only do one pound at a time and ive never done the wash at the end.

if u need any help on ur extraction feel free to ask.

Thanks for the link bro, you will definitely be who I will I ask 1st, with any questions I might have about the process.

I'm doing pretty well thus far with the tech I'm using, and with 100g's of powdered MHRB, but the tech you are using looks like the one to use for larger scale extractions. Gonna get to reading up right now. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm DMT, its either invest in another drug project for me, i.e extracting DMT and doing a shroom grow....Or buying a piano ahhh


Active Member
Haha, I hear ya. I had the same dilemma this last whole year, and chose to have a new violin made rather than doing any loopy projects. Violin underway, I feel it's time to do some adventuresome summer conjuring again, ha. I was thinking of doing an Ayahuasca brew, but I might have to add this to the list as well. I'm more insanely curious about DMT than I've been about anything thus far.


Haha, I hear ya. I had the same dilemma this last whole year, and chose to have a new violin made rather than doing any loopy projects. Violin underway, I feel it's time to do some adventuresome summer conjuring again, ha. I was thinking of doing an Ayahuasca brew, but I might have to add this to the list as well. I'm more insanely curious about DMT than I've been about anything thus far.
do it......

my dmt experience is limited to one, 50mg experience thus far, but my tripping experience covers much more than that..... DMT definitely has a "there" to take you to, and is more serious/clearheaded, but at the same time, more intense/trippy than that of any drug you've ever tried.... I didnt "breakthrough" on my first experience, but I'm damn sure going to next time :)

I've also never been so much at peace with myself after a trip.... at one point i was standing in my driveway (as i just kinda meandered around and looked at nature afterward) and turned around staring at my house, thinking, actually saying at one point, "this is my life... this is who i am... How do I feel about this?"..... but the answers did not bother nor elate me.... it was purely observational. "ego-death" is a term i've heard recently, and looking into, sounds about right....

in short, I say everyone should have one dmt experience, and not just when you are dying ;)