Peace, Love, and Respect. Mr Real Smooth's thread


Well-Known Member

do you know how many members spell wrong? try to exclude everyone that made a mistake : ) real clever :D

You also are now pointing that cause youve got nothing, so you have to act as a child crying making a big scene. that clearly shows your mentality, a young spoiled child
oh, by the way, i could now say that i have proof youre obcessive compulsive damaged by cannabis, cause, in your thrain of thought, you know how to spell it, you have it.
sorry i'm so high if i didnt make sence i'll do now:
you just got pwned
Peace, Love and Respect, sistah :mrgreen:
It's the words that you misspell, and how you misspell them. Also you have the same awkward sentence structure he used. But mostly it's just in the words you choose to use as insults. Are you insane?????? :lol:

It became a lot more obvious after I read your posts in this thread Even the subject of this thread makes more sense when you read the original drama.
It's the words that you misspell, and how you misspell them. Also you have the same awkward sentence structure he used. But mostly it's just in the words you choose to use as insults. Are you insane?????? :lol:

It became a lot more obvious after I read your posts in this thread Even the subject of this thread makes more sense when you read the original drama.

you've been watching too many csi eth


Well-Known Member
you've been watching too many csi eth
lol, no, you're just doing a shitty job of pretending to be someone else :lol:

Anyways, I promised Harley I'd go to bed earlier tonight, so I can't stay up and continue this extremely interesting discussion. But I shall return tomorrow, if you're still around, we can continue this then.

Night Frank bongsmilie
lol, no, you're just doing a shitty job of pretending to be someone else :lol:

Anyways, I promised Harley I'd go to bed earlier tonight, so I can't stay up and continue this extremely interesting discussion. But I shall return tomorrow, if you're still around, we can continue this then.

Night Frank bongsmilie
geez what have you been smoking is not weed. are you hitting jimson weed?

good nigh wikid :D

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Nah I jus meant I get wut u were sayin wut the thread was about... I thought IT was like ur lounge of peace love n respect... Man not smoking sukz... I cnt eat right.. N my head feelz fukd up...:(
Nah I jus meant I get wut u were sayin wut the thread was about... I thought IT was like ur lounge of peace love n respect... Man not smoking sukz... I cnt eat right.. N my head feelz fukd up...:(

believe me, i know what that is like...
Try to get a joint as fast as you can, but at the same time, dont think about it. its though to do two opositte things at the same time, but once you get the key its easy : ) :joint:

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Believe me smooth I want to but Ima try to go a few days... Clear my chestn clear this mild cold... Sumtimes I'll quit for a minute... Cnt stay away too long... I think the longest in the past 2 years I remembr is almost a month... N smoked on my b day
Believe me smooth I want to but Ima try to go a few days... Clear my chestn clear this mild cold... Sumtimes I'll quit for a minute... Cnt stay away too long... I think the longest in the past 2 years I remembr is almost a month... N smoked on my b day

ok but go easy on yourself. a joint a day or half a joint a day isnt that bad


Active Member
'pity, but i don't see a whole lot of peace, love, or respect going on in this thread, even (especially) from the op...
saying the words is one thing, putting 'em into practice is a whole other kettle o' fish.
as the american-english saying goes [sorta]: "you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"

that being said, let me just chime in here further in the spirit of "peace, love, and respect" with that very famous koan (which makes about as much rational sense as anything else posted here... maybe Mr Real Smooth is really being a bodhisatva and tricking everyone into enlightenment via a lot of paradoxical hotair? :eyesmoke: ) ==>

A monk asked Chao-chou, "Has the dog Buddha nature or not?" Chao-chou said, "Mu."

'pity, but i don't see a whole lot of peace, love, or respect going on in this thread, even (especially) from the op...
saying the words is one thing, putting 'em into practice is a whole other kettle o' fish.
as the american-english saying goes [sorta]: "you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?"

that being said, let me just chime in here further in the spirit of "peace, love, and respect" with that very famous koan (which makes about as much rational sense as anything else posted here... maybe Mr Real Smooth is really being a bodhisatva and tricking everyone into enlightenment via a lot of paradoxical hotair? :eyesmoke: ) ==>

A monk asked Chao-chou, "Has the dog Buddha nature or not?" Chao-chou said, "Mu."

i am not Frank Zappa but i definetely understand what he understood.
you all can say what you want, but i came here to apologise in the name of a friend,nothing more. even if all that you say is true, what would i win??????????
are you all insane???????look at what you write god.just look at what you wrote. tell me, what would i win????i am asking for nothing worth any money?can you sell it on ebay?youre defineely like wikid, or like an kiss-assof wikid


Active Member
i am not Frank Zappa but i definetely understand what he understood.
you all can say what you want, but i came here to apologise in the name of a friend,nothing more. even if all that you say is true, what would i win??????????
are you all insane???????look at what you write god.just look at what you wrote. tell me, what would i win????i am asking for nothing worth any money?can you sell it on ebay?youre defineely like wikid, or like an kiss-assof wikid

like, just, wow.


i suppose this is entertaining in its way, if it weren't so incomprehensible...
maybe some further esl classes might be in order? i'm really guessing/hoping that these shenanigans are all just a language-barrier thing, 'cause the alternative, madness, is just too pitiful.

peace be upon you, whatever the case may be.

like, just, wow.


i suppose this is entertaining in its way, if it weren't so incomprehensible...
maybe some further esl classes might be in order? i'm really guessing/hoping that these shenanigans are all just a language-barrier thing, 'cause the alternative, madness, is just too pitiful.

peace be upon you, whatever the case may be.


let me tell you my friend, and this is not like that b******* stuff you wrotte. everythime you call me insane you are calling yourself insane bongsmilie

peace, love, and fat bud :peace:


Active Member
let me tell you my friend, and this is not like that b******* stuff you wrotte. everythime you call me insane you are calling yourself insane bongsmilie
well, in all fairness, i did suggest language difficulty as the real culprit...
but of course the real trouble is: if you were actually insane, would you know it? the hallmark of most maniacs is that they desperately assert their own sanity, all the while becoming more extreme in their attempted justifications...
'just some food for thought here.

then again, this sort of belligerent one-up-manship is often the give-away of trolling (which accustation you'll now return to me)...
hell, let's just cut to the hitler-comparisons and get it all out in the open...

gee, maybe this is entertaining afterall...


Well-Known Member
as the original slikwill13 id like to think i know a thing or two about smooth and you sir are not it.

i back wikid 200% and georgi345 has just made my list of new favorite people.

and id like to say that i dont think its a language barrier thing because if it was he at least get the spelling right while murdering grammer. but alas, both lay slain on the floor.

and the acid(s?) talk is pure mumbo jumbo. i could out debate the OP while tripping my ass off and not stumble on a word.


Well-Known Member
well you know what gibberish is?cause thats what this thread is.ur bout as smooth as broken glass.get off the pipe