Peace, Love, and Respect. Mr Real Smooth's thread


Well-Known Member

Mr. Ganja


Super Stoner

Last Activity: 03-19-2009 01:05 PM

Look, natmoon hasn't been on riu since March. So thanks for stopping by, but I don't think you're going to be able to apologize for Frank. You can PM him an apology and he'll get it if/when he comes back.


Well-Known Member

Mr. Ganja


Super Stoner

Last Activity: 03-19-2009 01:05 PM

Look, natmoon hasn't been on riu since March. So thanks for stopping by, but I don't think you're going to be able to apologize for Frank. You can PM him an apology and he'll get it if/when he comes back.
get with it wikid....this is the turrets thread now.




Well-Known Member
who da flying friggin in the name of the lord ARE YOU INSANE????????????
THIS is the post that got me thinking you're Frank Zappa, Mr. Real Smooth. Because in this thread Frank Zappa posted:

"are you all insane????????i would lie for information??????????words are free of charge, you moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

get with it wikid....
Once again, I must instruct you to
JANE stop this crazy thing!to quote george jetson
youre right


dont worry

and, again, you got it wrong, wikid. i wasnt going to apologise to natmoon, but to other member.

peace, and, for my part, its the end of this trash talk. you all can continue to be immature

to those who supported me, thanks


Well-Known Member
youre right


dont worry

and, again, you got it wrong, wikid. i wasnt going to apologise to natmoon, but to other member.

peace, and, for my part, its the end of this trash talk. you all can continue to be immature

to those who supported me, thanks
Of course I got it wrong, I'm having to sit here and piece it all together one bit at a time because you couldn't just come out and say what you were here for when you started the thread. I had to drag it out of you one post at a time :roll:

So you were here to apologize to panhead? I saw him recently...but you can still PM him :grin:


New Member
Of course I got it wrong, I'm having to sit here and piece it all together one bit at a time because you couldn't just come out and say what you were here for when you started the thread. I had to drag it out of you one post at a time :roll:

So you were here to apologize to panhead? I saw him recently...but you can still PM him :grin:
*hug hug________;)
Of course I got it wrong, I'm having to sit here and piece it all together one bit at a time because you couldn't just come out and say what you were here for when you started the thread. I had to drag it out of you one post at a time :roll:

So you were here to apologize to panhead? I saw him recently...but you can still PM him :grin:
as i said, i would only apologise if they wanted to recieve the apology, cause sometimes people dont want to hear about some things. i pretty much said all this in the first post, its not my fault you dont understood it. other members got it, and they supported me, some didnt, and they asked politely. others were immature. he :roll: tough life :D bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
*hug hug________;)

as i said, i would only apologise if they wanted to recieve the apology, cause sometimes people dont want to hear about some things. i pretty much said all this in the first post, its not my fault you dont understood it. other members got it, and they supported me, some didnt, and they asked politely. others were immature. he :roll: tough life :D bongsmilie

Yes it is, you're the one who wrote the vague opening post.

Who got it? I didn't see one post by someone who understood wtf you were talking about....

Who was immature? I wanted to know wtf you were going on about, on a public forum, so I asked questions until I got the answers. You're the one who didn't just come out and say what you were here for until 50 some posts into the thread :roll:


Active Member
this sounds like a personal message to 3 people who may or may not still be around, and if they are then you should seek them out and send them a message
the first post sounded like he wanted to start a cult lol this shit is kinda freaking out my buzz


Well-Known Member
Allow me to outline the confusing path this thread has taken.

Post #1
*deleted excess blah blah*
I'll begin:

Some time ago, a friend of mine exposed his problems to a certain member of this forum. I wont say the name of that person cause i fully respect him/her as well as everibody that respects, loves his dear ones and makes peace. Only if that member agrees first, i will tell you who that person is. This person shared something with my friend, something no money, no weed, nothing can pay back:
You all thinked that my friend was a con, abusing the kindness of this person. He was not. Let me tell you, he is someone that i cant describe, for he helps and loves his kin, shares peace, and respects every living being. I'm no ass licker, no but kisser, nor fag, nor nothing. I'm just being honest.
Bad vibrations can ruin ones life, so this is the real purpose of this thread:
To eliminate the bad vibrations created with this conflict.
I will only begin this if three members of this site agree to begin with it.

Why all of this?
Because my friend feels a burden for what happened here, and i have done some reading, and discovered that he wastn the only one that suffered with this.
So please, in the name of Love, Peace and Respect, lets help these sons of the mother earth to heal themselves and find peace.
To you all, Peace, Love and Respect
Mr Real Smooth
You start the thread off with this confusing post about three members and a conflict that you want to "heal". You could have just come out and said: I'm here on behalf of Frank Zappa, to apologize to *insert name here* for *insert incident here*. You could have just gone to the profiles of the members you meant the thread for and left visitor messages for them.

Post #33
oh, i get it
thanks for the help bro :peace:
i'm doing this cause i want to help, like, to clear once and for all the questions that emerged, and to clarify some acts, like, for them not to stop helping people just cause they though they were dealing with pricks
to help, basically
peace and love :peace:
Here to clarify some acts...but still not being too clear on wtf you're talking about.

Post #37
1.this is my only account, so, bad one, bro. he asked me to start this thread i said, i'm a friend of a former member, two people, two accounts, different owners. still going down lil bro.
3. no rules violated, still, you are going down, lil lil bro i said it, i will say it again:
(lil lil lil bro)
5. i will ignore you if you keep with that attitude, lil lil lil lil bro (how far are you down?)
You say "as I said..." but you really NEVER said that before. You said "a friend of mine" in your opening post, but you didn't say that your friend was a former member.

Post #40
i will tell you a story of a world where there are humans, and they TALK!!!!!!!!
basically, my friend talked with me saying that he wanted me to start this thread.
he cant do it CAUSE HE WAS BANNED.

like i said, too tense ; )

a female?that takes me down sistah. spicy ones take me to the grown
This is the first time you mention that your friend wanted you to start this thread and that he can't because he was banned...39 posts after your opening post.

Post #45
you must be Natmoon's sister, wife, i wont say mom cause it would be offensive, but somehow you are related, cause you two like the black and white policial movies
geez, toke a joint, no one is here to harm anyone
This is the first time you mention natmoon

Post #47
FRANK ZAPPA god you are so annoying
This is the first time you mention Frank Zappa, but you don't say "My friend is Frank Zappa" you just kinda yell it out like you have tourette's.

Post #55
friggin woman frank zappa is my friend period.
Frank zappa was banned, period.
Where tha friggin f*** did i said i want to get him unbanned??????????????????????

Of course it didnt make sence, youre probably on acids and you are seeing a blue elephant playing violin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here, 54 posts after you started this thread, you FINALLY clarify who you're talking about enough to lead me to this thread :clap:

Which I read, and figured out for myself wtf you're talking about, I still probably wouldn't know if I hadn't gone off and found it on my own.

i say give up on him wikid.,.,.,hes on drugs .,.,and not the co0l ones.,lol
lol, I think you're right



Active Member
Allow me to outline the confusing path this thread has taken.

Post #1

You start the thread off with this confusing post about three members and a conflict that you want to "heal". You could have just come out and said: I'm here on behalf of Frank Zappa, to apologize to *insert name here* for *insert incident here*. You could have just gone to the profiles of the members you meant the thread for and left visitor messages for them.

Post #33

Here to clarify some acts...but still not being too clear on wtf you're talking about.

Post #37

You say "as I said..." but you really NEVER said that before. You said "a friend of mine" in your opening post, but you didn't say that your friend was a former member.

Post #40

This is the first time you mention that your friend wanted you to start this thread and that he can't because he was banned...39 posts after your opening post.

Post #45

This is the first time you mention natmoon

Post #47

This is the first time you mention Frank Zappa, but you don't say "My friend is Frank Zappa" you just kinda yell it out like you have tourette's.

Post #55

And here, 54 posts after you started this thread, you FINALLY clarify who you're talking about enough to lead me to this thread :clap:

Which I read, and figured out for myself wtf you're talking about, I still probably wouldn't know if I hadn't gone off and found it on my own.

lol, I think you're right

you got to much time on ur hands :roll: