Peanut butter or banana shake, whats more potent?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

I used to make some incredible cookies, but am not looking for such a sweet taste anymore, I would like to do it simple but still effective.

I live in Germany, weed here is expensive and I want to have a good end product without experimenting alot.
I am not a fan of slowly infusing it in a double bath, because I used to use the rough method already putting weed straight into hot butter and it had amazing effects with the cookiess.

Anyway, I want to know who has done simple recipes like peanut butter weed or banana shakes and can help with some advices?
Is a banana shake due to less fat content less effective?

With peanut butter oil will, the end product maintain a good taste regardless of coconut oil or dairy butter being mixed into it?
Hello guys,

I used to make some incredible cookies, but am not looking for such a sweet taste anymore, I would like to do it simple but still effective.

I live in Germany, weed here is expensive and I want to have a good end product without experimenting alot.
I am not a fan of slowly infusing it in a double bath, because I used to use the rough method already putting weed straight into hot butter and it had amazing effects with the cookiess.

Anyway, I want to know who has done simple recipes like peanut butter weed or banana shakes and can help with some advices?
Is a banana shake due to less fat content less effective?

With peanut butter oil will, the end product maintain a good taste regardless of coconut oil or dairy butter being mixed into it?
You say you don’t like double bath but I assume you mean standing over pots on the stove?
An easier way is with a slow cooker and vacuum seal bags. If you have that fill the cooker 3/4 with water and put it on high.
Then if you have vac bag roll make a bag twice as wide as the cooker pot. Then put your weed and oil in the bag. I think I used to do three ounces per batch and poured in a litre of oil but that’s just off the top of my head.
Take air out of the bag as best you can then seal the bag. Now I made the bags long so I could drape it across the water bath so that when the lid went on the sealed ends would be poking out of the lid. I found I had to do that because the bag expands a little and that stops the ends coming open. Then it is just how many hours your want to cook it for. I think I used to do 8-12 hours. It shouldn’t smell with the sealed bags while cooking.
Then you end up with oil as an end product that you put in the refrigerator.
And also oily weed as an end product.
You can just take a spoonful of oil to get high or use the oil to bake.
I found that the oily weed was also potent when eaten but it needed some help to be edible. I found mixing the oily weed with some peanut butter and dates in a food processor was a good mix. Then I would put that mix into mini ice cube moulds and freeze into fun size pieces.
I guess if you wanted bananas you could blend oily weed and those sweet dry banana chips with some dates and pack that into ice moulds and freeze them. Then you could add a frozen banana weed cube to a fresh banana shake maybe?

Thanks for the advice. I avoid the double bath method exactly because of it's long time that it takes to be ready. I always wonder how it was intended by nature to be consumed and how the old people of the world consumed it, they surely didn't have those methods.

Just frying the weed in butter on low temperature has 90% of the time brought incredible results, just one time eating plain can abutter with bread did not have any effects, I don't know why. Maybe it just got burnt.

I Am looking for a easy but potent recipe and I think the peanut butter option is interesting.
Does the peanut butter taste bad with either butter or coconut oil?
For simple cannabis-infused recipes, peanut butter is great because it's high in fat, making it effective for THC infusion. It should taste good whether you use coconut oil or dairy butter. For a banana shake, adding a fat source like full-fat milk or peanut butter is necessary since THC binds to fat. Ensure your cannabis is properly decarboxylated before mixing for effectiveness. Start with small doses to gauge potency.