peat pots suck!


Active Member
2 attempts with peat pots, letting them kick it with seeds popped in for almost a month, NOTHING popped, NOTHING!

the 3rd attempt was done using soil in small 1/4 cup sized pots, within a week 6 out of 8 have popped up!

good thing - i learned to never use peat pots ever

bad thing - wasted some expensive imported seed learning this lesson

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think it must have been operator error or bad seeds. I have been using peat pots for years and they have been great for soil grows.


Well-Known Member
2 attempts with peat pots, letting them kick it with seeds popped in for almost a month, NOTHING popped, NOTHING!

the 3rd attempt was done using soil in small 1/4 cup sized pots, within a week 6 out of 8 have popped up!

good thing - i learned to never use peat pots ever

bad thing - wasted some expensive imported seed learning this lesson
Well, the peat pots wont do anything for germinating.

But the peat disks/pellets work real well for germinating.

I planted 10 seeds, and they all popped.

Almost idiot proof.

Good luck with your grow. :)



New Member
They are just containers that can go in the ground later....they have NOTHING to do with germination.

Don't blame the container.


Active Member
could very well be operator error, i will totally cop to knowing very little about this, i have made several errors in the past and have a hard head to boot so yeah that could very well be a major factor

it's just weird, same environment each time, i use soil the third time and everything pops up quick, the 2 prior times i get nada

@closetgrowth - they were the pellets that you soak for a little bit, they pop up, you then drop the seed in

@sickstoner - i did not germ them first on any of the attempts, just pop the seed into the dirt or peat pot/disk hole, water and wait


Germ seeds in a moist paper towel, inside a tupperware container or ziplock bag. Out of the light, where temps are a steady 70 degrees F, but not hotter than 87 degrees F. When you see a tap root, carefully place the seed in the hole (root tip down), of an already hydrated peat pellet. The peat pellet should be moist not dripping wet.
Once the roots break through the sides and / or bottom of the peat pellet, then transplant into pet pots with mellow soil.
This will give you the best results.
If you're just anti-peat, go with Rapid Rooters or Root Riot starter cubes. They are worth the money.


Well-Known Member
@closetgrowth - they were the pellets that you soak for a little bit, they pop up, you then drop the seed in
Peat pellets, you mean? They can be a bit tricky - it's easy to keep them too wet (or too dry), and not warm enough for the seedling.


Well-Known Member
I've used peat pots before but usually germed in the paper towel or went directly into a cube with humidity tent for germing.

The trouble I've had with peat pots is that is takes longer for the roots to break through the pot's shell and holds up vegging a week or two.

I'm done with peat or coca pots for my gig.


Active Member
Peat pellets, you mean? They can be a bit tricky - it's easy to keep them too wet (or too dry), and not warm enough for the seedling.
too wet or too dry, i could see it being one of those, well soil seemed to be more dummy proof for me so i'll just keep on with that hehe
should you tranplant when the first root comes out of the pot. what if the just the tap root is poking out, should i still wait for it to be more root bound?


Well-Known Member
I love pellets! Every seed I have planted as popped, even the lil Sensi Star girl I had to dig up & help crack. I germ overnight, usually 16-24 hours in water in the dark. I kepp the pellets in greenhouse on a warming pad while they pop & grow a little.



Well-Known Member
I love pellets! Every seed I have planted as popped, even the lil Sensi Star girl I had to dig up & help crack. I germ overnight, usually 16-24 hours in water in the dark. I kepp the pellets in greenhouse on a warming pad while they pop & grow a little.

yeppers, works every time


Well-Known Member
I havn't had a lot of luck with just putting the seeds in water, I mean a few always pop, but not enough, the papertowel and ziplock method have worked best for me for germinating, the only problem with that I have is how easy it is to damage the babies when planting them (at least its been a problem for me) any suggestions on getting them from the papertowel to the dirt without hurting it is greatly appreciated, although this may be one of those skills I have to develop in time...or redevelop, I don't remember having this problem with my guerilla ops when I was still in HS, but then I was also using swag seeds, and alot of them.... survival of the fittest isnt that attractive when you've actually payed for good genetics... :(


Well-Known Member
I don't know why people make this so damn difficult. Germinate seeds the way they were meant to.
Most the time you risk damaging the root with the paper towel method, + you can get mold and other stuff like that.

Just germ them in soil, mine always break the surface in 3-4 days, even when the temperatures aren't kept constant at the preferred temps. I just sit them outside during the day and bring them in at night. Have to constantly monitor the moisture level since I only plant mine an inch deep. I water them at least once a day (another at end of the day if I let it sit outside in the heat), but I don't completely soak them.

All of mine germ at the same time when I put them in soil, except for when I get "free seeds," a few take longer or never germ, but still has a good germination ratio.

I use fibergrow pots but I'll be giving peat pellets a try in the future..


Well-Known Member
†j/k† honestly, thanks for that, most likely what I'll do this next time, everything else in my indoor op is being kept that basic, and so far so good....sure they won't be the biggest and best they can be, but it gives me a good baseline. Also, thanks for the speed of the reply, thats good service ;)


Well-Known Member
many speak of taproot damage and issues of that sort when using paper towel and ziploc, and no doubt its true. on the other side of that same coin, i have done every seed i have ever grown (granted is only 7 at this point LOL) via this method. 6 of those 7, i chipped the shell with a knife very carefully, exposed the embryo, and had a taproot showing in under 18hrs. this method is quite easy to screw up, and i wouldn't recommend doing it without practicing on some bag seeds to get used to the process first, but all in all it comes down to the person doing it. i have never had an issue cuz i use sterile conditions and handle my seeds very carefully. just goes to show that while these problems do occur, i would put money on taproot breakages and mold more often than not being an operator error.