• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Pedros 2nd Grow


Yeah im taking the kids over to my moms got some family in for easter so we are gonna have a huge easter egg hunt


Active Member
Ya we got the baby some toys and baby candy lol it's funny to watch her eat the stuff she makes all kinds of faces

I was planning on takeing the pics for the hunt but I'm so bumed out I don't feel like doing anything

I'm getting a new place soone hopefully but it's pretty much worse than where I'm at now I probly won't even be able to grow where I'm moving to because my girlfriend won't help me save cash to get our own place so gotta have room mates again
She was just talking to me like you can't do that blah blah blah ... I just told her well then I mite as well sell it and go get my own place then and she got all pised and walked to the outher room

I mean come on what is the big deal about growing something that mother nature gave us we didn't make it and mass produce seeds and distribute them mother nature gave us a plant that produced it's own seeds and we just happind to be realy good farmers when the first people came around ya know I just want to know what the big deal is with people

Sry for my rambling I can't express how I feel here or I Pisa people off

Sometimes I get to where I just don't care anymore

On a better note
Happy Easter everyone


Yeah it sucks when you have room mates just cause they will be in your biz even when you dont realize it. Thats why after i moved out of ohio i told my wife no one is allowed to live with us besides our kids or in and emergency situation our parents but that will never happen unless they all quit working lol. Yeah i hear ya brother just gotta pick and choose your battles with women cause even when we are right we are wrong ya know.

But as far as la diva goes she is making buds now the main is about 3 inches long now im guessing another 3 to 4 week based on its growth i started it on febuary 28th so i am hoping the first week of may it will be done hopefully.

Hope all goes well for ya brother


Active Member
Yes very true man we are always wrong that's for sure because if I prove her wrong she gets mad and just starts rambling on bout shyt that don't even make sence

I think that she should be done around the last week of April first week of may if she started to flower then she will start to put on the weight soone mine had tiny buds for a few days then just started getting bigger and bigger one day I

I'm gonna try to get some pics up today the lemon skunk is coming out of her rut I'm going to buy some more ferts realy soone so I'm going to get some good shyt I been looking at to make teas with should give me the boost in nutes I need to set this into over drive because I more be moving soone and that means if I don't go with the Gf and fam then I'm on my own again and I can't be walking around with plants that are almost 3 ft tall I'm sure the cops would have a hey day with that especially here in FL


Active Member
Well things are looking realy good lemon skunk is starting to clear up when I go to get more ona I'm going to get some more guano so I can give them the nutes they want

Well here we go with the wonderful pic update

Family photos to start us off

Bubblegum kush
She is more indica than the outher 2 I think she will be done before the outhers

Here is the pineapple express the girl I've been patiently waiting for

Let.common skunk
She is slowly coming back from the def problem after this week she should be back on track and I'll have the new batch of guanos to make a good tea for them


The above pictures are taken under a daylight setting the do not appear that color to the human eye now to show what they look like from the human eye I have put the camra on a florescent setting it looks the closest to how they appear to the human eye

I think from now on I'm going to use this setting so you guys can see how they look from the point of the human eye again this was the closest I could get it almost identical to just looking in just a tad bit darker in the photos

Let me know what you think of the girls and the new way of takeing pics

Happy farming


Lookin good man still got a little red stem goin on but other than that they look like some good girls. im hopin mine starts to swell a little next week. pics look good for sure. Vertcal growth on mine has slowed but not stopped yet last time i check mine was 43 inches tall. Had some nute burn but i havent fed her for about two weeks now so i was thinking of mabey a light one tonight.


Active Member
Ya the red is slowly going away after I make the trip to get more ona and the guano I shouldnt have any problems
My girls stoped growing vertically all togather today I gave them a realy good watering and I'm bout to go and give it one more go around to make sure they got all the water they need so I can just add little bits of water here and there untill next week when I give thermo anouther huge watering

Sounds good man if she has slowed she should be putting most her energy into flowering but if it's been 2 weeks then I would start light and work your WA back up


Active Member
I orderd some botanicare products today got a good deal

Got some
Cal/mag plus
Liquid blackstrap molasses

These should complete my line of products and if they work good I'll stock up for when I get my own place again

The more I think about it I should have stayed in Ohio I had way more freedom I could do what I wanted without hearing the complaining that is constant now I wish it was easier to get a place


Ohio really i was bron and raised in mansfield ohio. Moved away when i got married a few years back now ohio is getting ready to legalize medical use of ganja go figure right. Yeah i have been using distilled water up until yesterday i gave her a light feed with MG bloom booster she seems to be alright so far. Just started putting out thricomes yesterday i will take a pic in a couple days and post to let ya see what she is looking like. She has almost a blue-ish tint to the sweet leaves now kinda cool but other than a little nute burn from when i feed her to much a while back shes doing good. hows your girls doing.


Active Member
I was born in Dayton raised till I was 10moved to largo FL - I thought Dayton was bad largo might not be small but don't get caught there - stayed here toolbox was bout 19 then went to Ohio to help family then about a year ago moved back to FL

They are doing good I use distilled water but isotherm ph of them I go by what it says on how it was made
Ro is about 6.5 distilled can range 6-7 and spring is around 6.5 most of the time so I get different one to vary where my ph is gonna be but the clearex I orderd should even out the ph atleast it says it help set a neutral oh and helps cure lockout but skunk is looking better by the day I gave them a watering of - Epsom salt Mexican and Jamaican guano with some karma should do good untill the outher stuff gets here

I'll have some new pics up on Monday it'll be week 4 and they have been pushing out th hairs and I think they are going to be super frosty navicad they are pushing the trics out like crazy


coala.jpgbig lil la diva.jpgHad to pull her out today and put her in front of the window cause the power went out for about an hour. Living in the country is nice if your not trying to grow in your closet lmao. But all is well she is drinking a gallon of water every 3 days so i guess she is doing good lol im not a pro but cfls aint half bad i know she would be way fuller if i had a mh or hps but i just cant bring myself to spend that much on a light for on plant at a time lol


Active Member
Well she does look realy good good thing you do live in the country I wish I could get a place of my en man this whole loveing with people is starting to Pisa me off I can't do shyt and now my Gf is on my case about the plants and it's just to much stress on me I can't help it that the one thing I've found that helps me is illegal fuck the feds they can suck my Dick then sit and soon for all I care ain't nothing a fun and a good shot can't fix when people sniping on your land ya know

But as for cod and flourish verse his
I'm all flourish man I've learned a bunch and there are ways to improve the light flourished off with special bulbs as you can tell from the pic of my bulbs they sent normal flourish bulbs besides the one3000k I have ( the yellow looking one )

I started with a 150w hps and now I got a 4ft 4 bulb t5 and I'll never go back it's just collecting dust in the closet there is a far greater bulb choice for the flourish over his

Ide like to take the travel trailer and just go park somewhere inthe woods and make it my house I went threw military survival training to live in the woods for 6 months I'm sure I could make a loveing out of it but nobody is on my side for it shyt just Castro much these days and everyone is to worried about the feds and shut but like I've told them from the go if nobody knows then how the feds gonna know some times I think it would be good for me to sit in jail atleast when I get out ide be free of everything would suck cuz ide miss the bang but ide be able to do as I please and not have to deal with everything everyone is saying behind my back


Yeah prison sucks i can tell you that first hand. And it sucks even worse if your in a prison in your home town and you can point out your family and friends houses. Yeah i had my sis and her hubby living with us for about a month and i made them move out couldnt handle having to watch what i do in my own house. I may stay at home with the kids and not work but i do my part and then some.

I was going to get t5's but i didnt really read up too much on them and cfl's are so cheap to use. Hope fully in about three weeks or so she is ready its very very tempting to take a small little nugg but i wont because i know if i wait the little nugg will be 5 times that size and more potent.

Hope everything works out for you bro dont you get rid of those girls finish so you have something to calm your nerves when you wanna smack somebody lol.


Active Member
Yes I will agree prison does suck I broke my states record when I was 16 for the youngest person in 50 years to get put in a federal prison I'll admit I did some horrible things when I was younger but never hit a woman in my lyfe unless it was playing and it happind on accident

Ya I did the reading but didn't do the thinking if that makes sence then I got the flouros and I'm glad I did
I'm going to finish off these girls then all my cash is going to me getting my own place and if nebody wants to live there they have to be fine with me providing my own meds
If Ohio passes the medical law then I'm moving back there and I'll be set because I got a bunch ignorable there that want me to come back and I was happier there Florida just changed and it woulda been ok if my Gf wouldn't have changed and she is trying to change me and its not going to work and I think she hates that fact

But if you cut a lower big off it should put effort into the groth of the top colas - big should be nub sry -

How many days has she been going total now mine was done in about 75-80 days then my lil devil was done about 80-82 days


Active Member
I'll have some new pics up after this doctor guy comes to set up this thing to monitor heart and blood oxygen levels its getting kinda hott in the tent cuz I had to shut the door to the room its in so the smell don't go in the hall

But I got some inscents burning so that should provide a tiny bit of Co2 so they should be ok with the heat untill he gets here then leaves so after 5 I'll have some pics more take a vid but haven't decided yet so idk but I'll figure it out


Active Member
Well I got around to doing some gardening finaly after work around the house so here we go with a little update of the girls

Family photos

Pineapple express
Lemon skunk

Bubblegum kush

Ok this is a pic of a bud inthe lemon skunk the bud starts where my pinky is it goes a little further down but is airy lookin so I didn't counting yet but here is the bud that amazed me at 4 weeks with flouros ( nonblocking flouros I love them nutrient expect buds like this with them)

And this is some of the bottom of the skunk so I got a sample ready for 4-20 in a couple days I'm going to trim the rest of the bottom to promote top bud groth



Hell yeah brother i wish i could take a sample of mine but its not even close to ready for that. But damn they look real good now man bud are forming nice it looks like. I am sure mine are gonna be real fluffy cause of the cfl's just dont put out enough light but it will still smoke the same lol. My main coala has finally started to grow together. How much longer do you think i have to go? How long did it take your la diva to finish?


Active Member
It took her about 80 days I cut yet at 79 but I think I shoulda let her go for a few more days

I would just try to get them as close as possible if you can try to hang them in a circle around the plant to help cover the sides and bottom

But I'm thinking that was just a lucky bud lol not all of them are that big but they all are around the size of the pill bottle so I'm happy with that atleast in my down time I'll have some good meds

Edit - did you know that KY won't legalize medical because in the bill they used the word prescribe and fed law won't allow the medical bud to be prescribed - so IMO - if they used a different word the would make it legal isn't that some big time BS


Yeah i read that about the bill. But they stalled it in the commity and didnt vote on it so it could be brought back up next year in a re writen form. Because if they would have voted on it they wouldnt be able to bring it back up for like 5 years.

Well i am on like day 52 so hopefully it will be ready by day 80 if not its no big deal.

I have 4 cfls 3 red 1 blue above her and 1 red on her side she seems to be doing fine so far plus i spin her around every other day so the whole thing get decent light. Should i take the blue one out and put another red in or should i leave the blue one in there for mixed spectrum.