Pedros 2nd Grow


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Well as I assumed the branch I accidentally broke off didn't hurt her at all she has gotton bigger sence it happind her branches are starting to poke out a lil bit now so I'm thinking me accidentally doing that is what I needed to controlled the bush more I more be able to start tieing her down soone

I'm kinda mad at myself because I just realized I have a 150w hps that I can use to flower under so moms will stay under the t5 but I didn't think about where I'm gonna flower them at I need to figure this out

Unless I just but some 1 gal bags and veg untill I can get the money to buy anouther tent to hook up then I'll need anouther fan and everything - I'll figure it out


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Family photo day lol IMG_20120214_120933.jpg

Let's get up close and personal
This is the diva - she is defiantly a she has some hairs pokein out - pic 2 is my ghetto lst with bread ties
This is Ms devil - she has a couple hairs now but I think she is still waiting on her next groth spurt - waiting to lst waiting for branches to get a lil bigger

And now we move to the moms group
this is Ms skunk aka wonder bush - pic 1 is where the cotalydon are
This be princess bubblegum (haha I saw that on a cartoon I watch with my daughter ) - she has started to bush but she has huge fan leaves all over
Pineapple express - has started to bush sence I topped her - looks pretty sativa to me

Well the autos have anywhere from 3-5 weeks till they are done
As for wonder bush - Ms pineapple - and princess bubblegum when the autos are finished I'm going to plant these in 5 gal bags also when the autos are done I'm going to start takeing clones


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I thought this would be fun to do no voice will orobily do video updates to make things more interesting

From left in video is - the diva - Ms wonder bush - Ms devil - Ms express - and bubblegum princess [video=youtube;x5-v5bazrRY][/video]


Active Member
I was doing some feeding and lsting today when I finaly got the chance

The diva is all hairy and has a lil bud forming on top
Ms devel is getting hairy but no bud forming yet but she still hasn't had her growth spurt yet I'm hopeing it is soone but I think she will take a lil longer than the diva she ha been up and going
The lst I did to re diva stuck and she is spaced out so all branches get a good amount of light - the devel has been lstd and hope she has a spurt and the branches grow like divas did

Wonder bush- has been lstd and is still bushy as hell
Princess bubblegum - had a groth spurt and waiting to lst her when I can get more soft wire to use
Ms express - has ha a spurt and is bushing out I lstd her today
The moms were all fed tea again today we will see how if effects them hopefully good like last time


How long did it take for you diva to show sex? Mine is 20 days from sprout and nothing yet but still growing good has great side branching.


Active Member
Not bad stink lol she smelled wonderful for me she smelled like fresh berries with a hint of skunk ass lol

But it isn't super strong though


ok cool beans i got one going in the closet with no carbon filter so i was hopin my neighbour that lives about 100ft away wont be able to smell it coming from the house. Think a timed air freshiner in my room outside of the closet will mask it pretty good? Just one plant so you wouldnt think it would be that bad.


Active Member
If you can burn inscents I dry my buds in my room and I just burn one and it masks that well so it should take care of the plant with no problem


ladivad.jpg20 Days from sprout lookin good in old MG fed her with 1/4 strength she took it well i only put like a 2 litier bottle worth in. Was movin my lights and they slid down to far and just barely touched a couple leafs and got little pebble size purn marks. Other than that Green and happy from what i can tell. Main stem is about the size of my ring finger.


Emergency alert***** La Diva just showed me her private parts when i got home wish i had a better camera lol. Two lil tear drop shaped specks right at the top at the bottom of the smallest side branches doesnt look like any of the others did or do. I will post a pic when some hairs come pokin out lol YEAH BUDDY


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Ya I know what ya mean I'm a stay at home dad gonna home school my daughter and teach her the right way not the school way

Good shyt I cut down my last auto Lastnite going to trim the girls tomorrow then turn them to 12-12 should be interesting my pineapple express is turning purple sence I got the new lights


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Well I was going to switch them all today to flower but it was my moms v day so we went out as a family but tomorrow I'm gonna switch to flower so I'll be putting up pics


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Ok so here is the long anticipated update

well let's start by saying this past few weeks has been hell for me the girls are doing good but I'm like in the middle of a breakdown I've reached my breaking point with patients the next step is me and my assault riffle go into town and have a heyday but I'm gonna try and reframe from that

Well not trying to bother you guys with my problems so here we go

I switched the 3 reg girls to flower today a few minuts ago after I gave them a trim to even out the canopy here are the bulbs I'm useing to flower

Now I know I'm not going to get good resaults from the 4 bulb fixture but I wasn't going for a lot just going for enough meds to hold me over untill I can get my new apartment

Well here is a family photo for you guys

See I'm so screwed in the head by the way it's day 70 if I'm rite

Here is bubblegum princess (Kuala lol princess is my band for her cuz a cartoon my daughter watches)

Here is the dopest dope I'll ever smoke (well will see in about 2.5 months from today) here is pineapple express
I don't know if you can tell in the pics but some of her leaves are a purplish green

And last but not least we have the amazing wonder bush (lemon skunk )
Well she got the name wonder bush because she looks like a tiny bush to me well here are some pics

For most of you that have been following my journal and third of you just joining
me and the girls have been haveing issues left and right first it was heat then space then heat then smell ( I didn't notice but roommates did everyday when they got home from work )

Well outher than that they been good the girls are healthy as far as I know I mean I pull during leaves off but urging that's just because I Gabby had the time to get nutes again so I just added some worm castings to the soil before I waterd hopeing things will start to get better after today

Any questions feel free to ask