Pedros 2nd Grow


Active Member
Thanks man
But yah it is kinda that way just hopeing to get the fems and not males or hermies but if they are I got 2 more autos and 2 reg seeds from a Netherlands seed bank ( ministry of cannabis ) realy didn't like there time line it took almost 3 months to get to me it took 2 times of shipping (or so they say) but I do have to say I like the way they shipped it was inside a card with a lil box thing inside it I have no idea what it says but I realy like the pic on the front I'll put a pic of it up after I take one


Active Member
Yes I have hers some bad things also but that was after I orderd from them but after me emailing them a bunch the orally got mad and sent them lol

But this is the card the beans came in


Active Member
Well here is a lil info for today

First - got everything with the timer fixed going 20/4
Second- well when I looked at the girls this morning the kush and express have had there 1 thumb leaves almost triple in size the kush and skunk are starting there nxt set of leaves (idk what they are called - cotalydon then 1 thumb - then idk lol but it's where the kush and skunk are at now

I'm amazed at the super tight nodes on the kush tho she has nodes that are like 1/4th a in apart maby even closer I'm talking like realy close but maby it's just cause she is so young


Active Member
Well today is week 2
So I figured that I would put a update up and let everyone know what's going on with my little girls
don't they just look like a happy lil family
The autos family shot
Left is la diva
Right is lil devil
La diva has a crazy lil curve in her stem because of haveing to squeeze 5 plants in a lil area under a 2ft t5
The young mom family photo (lol sounds sick but hey you get it right)
Front left is bubblegum kush
Front right is pineapple express
Back is lemon skunk
Lemon skunk has the bread tie around her cause the stem was leaning a bit from when she stretched early on so just adding a little support I can almost put my pinky threw the loop so I know it's not to tight

Well that's my family photo day for the good people that follow this lil journal I got going on any questions or comments are welcome

The only stupid question is the question you don't ask
I have lived by that motto my whole lyfe it's great for learning and everyday things


Active Member
Well today we replanted the girls in there new grow bags ran out of soil at the end so had to trim a lil off the bags ( you will see in pics )

So big question I was doing good on temps but when I turned on the new light they jumped way up from like 76 ya 82/83 I don't think the fan I have is pulling out the air fast enough or maby it's the temps in the house is there a way I can lower temps to a good level again without spending a bunch of money
On a better side tho here are some pics of girls and there new home

First - is the whole family
Second - autos family shot
Third - moms family shot
The two smaller bags that are cut is because running out of soil


New Member
A regular oscilating fan should do the job. it will help make their stems stronger too. Lookin good so far.


Active Member
Well I am getting one with my next order of equiptment ( everything to keep the moms in so I can use tent for flower ) rite now I have the doors open and a fan for my room blowing in like an osilation fan but the accualy one won't be here for about 2 Weeks with this fan it has dropped to 81

Thanks the only a slight droop in leaves barly noticeable but I'm always lookin at them so I can tell
I was tracing the girlfriend how to transplant and mix the soil or it woulda been done a lot faster lol but it's ok she is learning slowly

Edit teaching


Active Member
Well I'm completely fuked on temps I woke up today and it was 88° in the tent so I put the only fan I have available on high and put it faceing the tent it hasn't helped it's only gone down to about 86°
So I gotta find something to use to drop temps this fuking blows now instead of makeing my last purchase of equiptment I have to spend a shyt ton of money of a portable AC or something to use in the tent

I've been looking at a few things if you could help me purgatory would be great (like cheap prices or a good

This is what i've been looking at

I'm still looking for more products but any help would be great thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
looking good, when you replanted them you should of planted them deeper down so the first set of leaves was just above the soil, +rep


Active Member
thanks for stopping by the grow man

and i know i should of but i ran out of soil lol but im getting more and when i do im planting to the cotalydon


Active Member
For the 2 of you that just joins up (robster and alotaball )

Ide like to welcome you to my humble lil grow and thank you for the advice in the outher thread

Happy farming


Well-Known Member
nice start pedro. i like the air cooler from ebay. interested to know how it works out.
also how do you like using those growbags? i like how they fit so snug together. i priced them too and they aren't expensive at all.


New Member
Grow bags are great. The thing I really like is how easy it is to do the lift to weigh for water. And they are really cheap as well. I guess the only neg is they have to be replaced every grow. But, the opposite of that is the ease of clean-up and removal. Just throw the whole thing away. No need to extract roots.


Active Member
Hey dannyboy

I more accualy get one and try it out to see what it does but I'm going to get a new fan to use instead of the booster fan
The bags are realy good so far if you go to htg and look they are restaurant and come in paks of 10/25/50/100 I got 25 3 gals and 10 5 gals
When my ref plants get bigger they are going in 5 gals to be moms and I'm going to use the purges to grow the clones when that time domes

I was thinking about getting some 1 gal bags to do a sog or scrog but I gotta figure this whole temp thing our first


Well-Known Member
be careful with any kind of evaporative cooler.. depending on your humidity .. it can give you BIG problems.. Seeing as your from florida.. im guessing its pretty humid where your at? In late flower you want 35-45% humidity to avoid bud rot and powdery mildew.. Evap Coolers will put you WAY past that :)


Active Member
Yah it's not to humid where I'm at the majority of the time in the room it's around 45/55 rite now tho it's like 36%