Peeing around your plants???


Well-Known Member
I read in hightimes years ago that not only did piss ward of wildlife but also contains soluble nitrogin that the plant uses right away.Dont do it everyday but once in a while doesnt hurt.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
If you are going to use it as a nutrient, then you cant just piss, you gotta dilute it with a lot more water than piss...


Well-Known Member
If you are going to use it as a nutrient, then you cant just piss, you gotta dilute it with a lot more water than piss...
Exactly.. and 99% of people are fucking tools. Buying on the black market is a very bad idea, especially for something your going to put in your body. With no regulation and no professional standards and guidelines your going to get weed thats been pissed on, human feces mixed in soil, and god knows what else some jackass exposes his crop to.


Well-Known Member
Urine is a great FREE fertilizer, rich in NP & K. but as said, it needs to be diluted to at least 5:1 with water. Your american mindset tells you it is gross, but this was common practice up until recently. I also add 2 tablespoons of 35% hydrogen peroxide to the mix, this aids in getting oxygen to the roots as well as killing any bacteria that may be lurking.

Try it, it's free, and effective.


Well-Known Member
Submachinegun is correct..... In Holland, the sewer systems are set up with urine only piping to recycle the NPK in urine for free fertilizer. To Americans this does seem gross, but eating vegetables grown in cow manure compost is some how acceptable...?
Anyway back on subject....... Yes, pee near your plants not on them. It will deter wildlife from paying them a visit. Chicken wire painted brown, is even extra insurance.