Penalties for possession in Indiana


Active Member
Hey, I was wondering if anyone on here has been caught with possession in Indiana and what their penalty was. I know more than 30 grams is a felony but what do people usually get if they get caught with about an eighth or a quarter?


depending on the county you get arrested in you're lookin at somewhere from-
*1 yr formal probation
*<32ish hrs community service
*a drug class

best case senario, your first offense, in a lax county (such as Marion which has much worse troublemakers)-
*comm service hrs
*drug class
+charges wiped from record (***NOTE: this means your court record, the police still have "arrest" records)



well, I used to attend IU btown and I feel that the penalties for use & poss are fairly lax in comparison to other more conservative areas. A charge for these would be a misdemeanor and would definitely be wiped from your charge record for first offense, POSSIBLY avoiding pissing in a cup with a good lawyer.

It's not a felony. That being said, it may not be life changing to an extreme to be busted for use, but anything more would be risking a great degree extra.

Wouldn't it be nice for mj to be taxed like cigs and alchy rather than feeding funds into the overfed court system and paying cops and prisons to "control" peaceful citizens?



Active Member
No offense intended. I have family in Indiana. Not suggesting changing your life, but penalties for first time offenders are pretty much the same everywhere. Indiana just isn't on my top ten lists of states I'd want to live in.


Active Member
i go to IPFW and im not gonna argue that indiana isnt a boring place because i think pretty much everyone knows it is


Active Member
No i havent been caught but i have been pulled over a few times with weed in my car and i was just wondering what would happen if they found it.


Active Member
Not 100% certain on municipal laws in Ft. Wayne, but you would more than likely get arrested, bond out, go to court, and get probation. If you don't have priors (any criminal priors), you apply for a diversion (if they allow you to for a drug offense). If you do have priors, you take the charge, probably loose your financial aide if that applies, pay your fine, do your community service, and don't get caught again. In most conservative states, a second conviction is treated as a felony regardless of the amount.