Pennsylvania growers

Wasup ya'll I live in a part of Pennsylvania where there's alot of old mine shafts and the dirt and soil in the woods by me is very dry rotted shitty soil .. I wanna grow outdoors this upcoming spring however I have a few questions.

I plan on laying alot of soil would I be able to get some reccomendations?

Would the shitty terrain underneath hurt my baby's and or there potency?

Anyone else who has grew in PA would you be able to fill me in with some wisdom? Seeds/soil/experiences?

Appreciate all feedback, thanks!!
Wasup ya'll I live in a part of Pennsylvania where there's alot of old mine shafts and the dirt and soil in the woods by me is very dry rotted shitty soil .. I wanna grow outdoors this upcoming spring however I have a few questions.

I plan on laying alot of soil would I be able to get some reccomendations?

Would the shitty terrain underneath hurt my baby's and or there potency?

Anyone else who has grew in PA would you be able to fill me in with some wisdom? Seeds/soil/experiences?

Appreciate all feedback, thanks!!
Someone out there gotta be out here!!


The best place in the mountains to grow by for good soil is natural springs these help the soil not be so shitty just clear all the mountain rock out and roots then if you have a way of getting worm soil from a farms field is a great way to add soil into your holes not so much as long as you have filtered out your natural soil underneath check pH levels also if low add some lime to the mixture to bring it up to par but usually farm soil is leveled out.


Wasup y'all I live in a part of Pennsylvania where there's a lot of old mine shafts and the dirt and soil in the woods by me is very dry rotted shitty soil .. I wanna grow outdoors this upcoming spring however I have a few questions.

I plan on laying a lot of soil would I be able to get some recommendations?

Would the shitty terrain underneath hurt my baby's and or there potency?

Anyone else who has grew in PA would you be able to fill me in with some wisdom? Seeds/soil/experiences?

Appreciate all feedback, thanks!!
I have noticed the mine shafts always have copper sulfate in the water around it so unless you are bringing in your water don't do it and this year the police had a big cut to the aviation division so a lot less flare but still be smart where you plant mine shafts are usually known about by the locals so unless you got some pines around choose better hollows work great for cover and being way down in one tree can always be knocked down so it deters people from going further


Well-Known Member
In the Northeast here and similar sitch as you got. Never met a horse farmer that doesn't give away his horse shit for free mate! ABSOLUTE best way I've found to fix outdoor soil!

I'd advise taking 10 minutes to dig a bit deeper into the pile till you get to the black gold. Properly composted/digested manure will smell of pure soil instead of urine or shit. Dig till you find the crumbly black stuff and load up as many 5 gallon buckets as you can get home with. Tell em it's for your tomato garden, and if you frequent the manure pile, take em a case of beer once in a while to say thank you. This shit (no punn intended) is absolutely loaded with nutrients, and most often also LOADED with baby worms which will be your natural rototillers/fertilizers.

Manure tends to hold an awful lot of moisture which will help if your soil is really dry to begin with. If you find it ends up too wet, add a bag of all purpose sand (not play sand as it's too fine and holds water as well) and that will help with drainage as well as silicon which your plants will use for nice strong branches to stand up to wind and rain.

If in PA, dig your holes no later than mid march/early april to give everything a month or so to settle and blend together, as your last frost won't come until around May 15th (Mother's Day as a rule of thumb for tomatoes in zone 5/6). Also, start your seeds/clones in early to mid April so they have a chance to get a bit stronger before you put them in the elements. I'd plant out around June 1st to avoid any late season frosts you might get depending on how far north in the state you are.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!