Pennsylvania Thai gorilla grow


Mamma Thai x 2 - 8 footers
Lemon Haze x 2 - 5/6 footers

No sign of flowering yet.

I'm an inside gardener whose come out this year and loving every minute. Had battles with slugs and leaf chompers and also over fed the Haze giving them slight nute burn but overall, so far so good.

Any other PA growers here?



Yeh... mamma thai is supposed to be pretty much pure sativa with terrible yields but super high quality. This grow is purely for personal so I could care less if I only get quarter pound each... woohoo... lemon haze: this is my first time with that strain too but it seemed to be the one that most people on riu are trying so I thought what the hell why not.

Growing outdoors has been a real eye opener this year having only grown under lights in tents before this... so cool but.... I fucking hate the bugs... spray with neem every day and still have to pick them off most days.


Didnt top for shit, just letting them do their thing with 5 hours of sun in an excluded wood. Yields not that much of a concern to me but they blend in with their surroundings very well and PA's laws suck balls.


Dude. Tie that shit down in the early stages, and have 10 tops instead of 1..... It also keeps them lower to the ground, and harder to spot....


Haha that takes effort and know how... I definitely will be tying it down.... had no idea it would just keep going up!


Well-Known Member
Hey man don't worry too much about the stretch as long as they are healthy. I have been battling slugs this year too, gonna set out some beers for them today. My biggest problem have been rodents, motherfuckers took 7 of my young plants so far. I killed 2 mice and 3 chipmunks yesterday though so I feel a little better, haha. No sign of sex on mine either. Good luck brother!


Hey man don't worry too much about the stretch as long as they are healthy. I have been battling slugs this year too, gonna set out some beers for them today. My biggest problem have been rodents, motherfuckers took 7 of my young plants so far. I killed 2 mice and 3 chipmunks yesterday though so I feel a little better, haha. No sign of sex on mine either. Good luck brother!
Thanks man... slugs pretty much stripped the bottom two feet but the upper branches are now filling in and theyre lanky compared to my indoor bushes but its awesome to watch nature take its course without bending, topping, cropping and my indoor artificial stuff.

I've been lucky with rodents but deer ripped one from the ground when 1st planted... a bag of dog hair spread around seems to have worked for that.

cancer survivor

Active Member
yeah my 8 footers were 2' when went out may 10th,my little 5's went out june 1st as 2', growing good! i put glass bead sand around them to keep slugs away! peace


Active Member
Good luck on this, 11 weeks is an awfully long time considering your location. It won't be impossible to finish them out but frost will most definitely be an issue for you. Also, I would consider tying them down to make them bushier. Based on your pix, you'll be lucky to get a 1/2 OZ off each plant.


Good luck on this, 11 weeks is an awfully long time considering your location. It won't be impossible to finish them out but frost will most definitely be an issue for you. Also, I would consider tying them down to make them bushier. Based on your pix, you'll be lucky to get a 1/2 OZ off each plant.
I'll keep you updated with their progress but I expect more than that. There's plenty of branches and the picture doesn't do them justice which is ok because they blend in so well with the background.

We'll see but I am enjoying them so far.


20130724_185233.jpgI am still enjoying these ladies (at least I know two are). Still no flowers. Hats off to you outdoors fellas, I think indoors is less hassle by far but this sure is rewarding...



Got dark patches in the new growth on this haze outdoors .... not sure if its mold, bugs or slight over nute.

Sprayed the crap out of it with Aramax just to be sure.

Got mega high after finding my girls in the woods tonight so will need a proper look some other day. It's been dumping rain lately, hope this is nutes.

any ideas?


I've come to the conclusion that I'll be lucky to yield 1/2 oz from these. Good job I've got 4 possibles ladies, fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Any other PA growers here?
yeah plenty. But we keep it on the down lo cuz of you know it being al illegal n shit

Dude. Tie that shit down in the early stages, and have 10 tops instead of 1..... It also keeps them lower to the ground, and harder to spot....
great idea I would think.
Mb plant some cleome next time to disguise the plants. The leaves are the same as cannabis