Pentagon Denounces American Nazis While Arming Ukrainian Nazis

Actually I could go on and on about snopes... a leftest website who twists facts or just out right ignores or lies about topics to fit an agenda.


remember when trump said that he chose the location of the convention? or that the NFL called him to complain about the debate times? or that the boy scouts told him he gave the best speech ever? or when he said that mexico would pay for the wall? or when he said that he would repeal obamacare immediately? and get rid of gun free zones on day one? and ban all muslims?

trump lies more than anyone else in the entire world and you STILL believe him.

what the fuck is wrong with you? can you not tell a lie from a fact, you blithering mental retard?
Ukraine had elected a pro Russia president who wanted to have open relations with Russia. The US did not like that, we organized and trained protesters from Poland and other places and put them into big protests against the then sitting democratically elected Ukrainian president. Violence erupted of course after he wouldn't step down. Violence kept getting worse until he announced that he would step down to stop the violence.
The US then installed a puppet... like we always do... and civil war was already well underway at this point.
The US then took the gold from the Ukraine and even Joe Biden's son was put in to help over sea the country's oil/gas industry. That is clearly a conflict of interest.

We basically control the Ukraine right now and is a puppet state. The country was overthrowed by deep state actors from the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

Biden's son goes to Ukraine

Ukraine puppet installed who is a nazi... like the pic with Biden btw

yes we install dictactors

How you like them apples? facts backed up by facts. I could even post pics of the Nazi's doing the nazi salute over in the ukraine that are their leaders.
Trump is the new Fuhrer for all Nazis, some are obvious skin head or Klan types but most are his die hard in-the-closet Nazi supporter base. They will out when trump triggers their innate racism which they will confuse for patriotism due to their collective low IQ

Your evidence?
Your evidence?
sebastian gorka is literally a nazi, vitezi rend.

stephen miller is avowed neo-nazi richard spencer's best friend.

avowed neo-nazi richard spencer calls his neo-nazi movement the "alt-right" because it sounds better than nazi, and steve bannon called his website "the platform of the alt-right (nazis, to be clear)".

all 3 work for trump in senior positions you retarded nazi bitch.
Ukraine had elected a pro Russia president who wanted to have open relations with Russia.

are you talking about the putin puppet yanukovych, "elected" thanks to a russian disinformation campaign run by paul manafort? the same paul manafort who then ran trump's campaign?

remember, putin puppet yanukovych was run out of town by the people of ukraine and now faces charges of treason there, hiding in exile in russia?

yeah, you're fucking retarded enough in just your first sentence. we can discard everything else you have to say after you try to get away with a gigantic retarded lie like that right off the bat.

So, let's get this on record. You believe zerohedge is just fine but snopes is not? Fucking russian scumbag.
Your evidence?



As far as sources go, it may not be up to your zerohedge standards, but I'll just leave this here.
Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

In the wake of violent protests involving white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in the US, the Pentagon’s top military brass issued unprecedented condemnations of «racists and extremists». One veterans spokesman said: «Anyone waving a Nazi flag must be rooted out of our society».

What makes the Pentagon’s response to Swastika-flag-waving American Nazis rather bizarre is that this week the US Defense Secretary, General James Mattis, is reportedly traveling to Ukraine where he is to sign over shipments of lethal weapons to the armed forces of the Kiev regime. That regime openly glorifies Ukrainian regiments that collaborated with the Nazi Third Reich during the World War Two.

Mattis, the top Pentagon official, is due to authorize the transfer of $50 million-worth of military gear to the Kiev regime. This will mark the first official delivery of lethal equipment from the US. Previous military aid to Ukraine was reportedly «non-lethal». Among the inventory Mattis is signing over are Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Modern-day regiments under the control of the Kiev regime, such as the Azov Battalion, publicly self-identify with Nazi-collaborating descendants and former pro-Nazi Ukrainian leaders like Stefan Bandera. This Neo-Nazi ideology of the Kiev-run military is a central impetus in why these forces have waged a three-year war on the ethnic Russian population of the breakaway Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine. The latter refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the Kiev regime which seized power in February 2014 in a coup d’état against an elected government. The American CIA backed that violent coup.

Political and financial support from Washington and the European Union has underpinned the Kiev regime led by the dubiously elected President Petro Poroshenko. This is in spite of the fact that the Kiev regime continues to wage a war on the people of Donbas in violation of a peace deal – the Minsk Accord – brokered by Russia and the EU in 2015. Western governments and media accuse Russia of sponsoring the breakaway Donbas republics and their militia, and of infiltrating its troops into the region. Russia denies direct military involvement, but is believed to be supporting the self-declared Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

The Pentagon’s supply of weaponry to Kiev forces will no doubt embolden their regiments to step up violations of the truce which was supposed to be implemented under the Minsk Accord. Hundreds of breaches are reported on a weekly basis in which towns and villages in Donestk and Lugansk come under fire from heavy artillery. Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, has recently remarked that his defense forces «are not fighting Ukrainians, but rather Banderites» – that is, Neo-Nazi militia who adulate their Third Reich hero Stefan Bandera for assisting the German SS exterminate thousands of fellow Ukrainians deemed to be «sub-human».

The American military support for the Kiev regime and its Neo-Nazi death squads attacking the people of Donbas is a monumental contradiction to what the US Joint Chiefs of Staff were declaring last week about extremists on American soil.

All five of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and National Guard – issued public condemnations of the violence perpetrated by assorted white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in the state of Virginia. The latter groups were protesting the proposed removal of American Civil War statues commemorating Confederate military leaders like Robert E Lee. Counter-demonstrators claim the statues are icons of racial prejudice and white supremacy. Many of the pro-Confederate protesters were carrying Nazi flags and other fascist icons. In a deadly incident in Charlottesville, Virginia, a suspected Neo-Nazi man rammed his car into a crowd killing a woman.

US President Donald Trump came under intense public criticism for being slow to condemn the violence and for appearing to lay blame on both sides, thereby equating Neo-Nazis with anti-fascist protesters.

Prominent news media organizations, like the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, ran editorial comments lambasting Trump for his equivocal position, which allegedly afforded the Neo-Nazi groups a degree of legitimacy. CNN ran the headline: «Trump is who we feared he was».

A New York Times oped piece declared: «The Test of Nazism That Trump Failed». Adding: «There can be no ‘two sides’. If the president is not against Hitlerism, he is for it».

The Washington Post editorial board said that Trump had «brought the international image of the US into disrepute».

Then there were numerous resignations by business CEOs from White House consultative panels, again in protest over Trump’s alleged association with racists and bigots. Even though to be fair to the president he did explicitly condemn such groups.

The national controversy appeared to be catharsis for politicians, media, business leaders and public alike in which it was proclaimed that «America is not like that» – meaning, not a supporter of Nazis and fascsim. In almost ritualistic fashion, the evils of racism, fascism, white supremacy and Nazism were exorcised from the body politic – or at least supposedly exorcised.

Joining in the catharsis were the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The New York Times reported: «In an unusually public move, the nation’s top military leaders, who typically try to steer clear of social controversy, have come out strongly against racism and extremism in the wake of violent protests over the weekend. Five of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, representing the Navy, the Marines, the Army, the Air Force and the National Guard, posted messages on social media condemning hatred and Neo-Nazis, saying that the extremist violence in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday went against the military’s core values».

As the NY Times noted, the public condemnations by the Pentagon top brass were an extraordinary rebuke to President Trump who, as titular Commander-in-Chief, is their superior.

Its report also quoted Charles E Schmidt, the national commander of the American Legion, who said: «Americans fought fascism and crushed the Nazis in World War Two, and anyone who waves a Nazi flag on our soil is, by very definition, anti-American. The disgusting displays of hatred and bigotry on display in Charlottesville dishonor all veterans who fought and died to stamp out fascism».

The public outpouring is classic American cognitive dissonance. Condemning Nazis at home while at the same time arming Nazis abroad. How does Nazism at home offend «our core values» when «our core values» involve politically, financially and militarily supporting Nazis in Ukraine?

To be sure, there is a long history of such American support for Nazis in Ukraine going back to the end of World War Two, when the Pentagon and CIA covertly backed the Gehlen Organization of former Third Reich General Reinhard Gehlen and his Ukrainian Nazi partisans in their sabotage operations against the Soviet Union.

In explaining American cognitive dissonance there are at least two factors.

more here
Fake news.
It was every 3 months our "media" was reporting that russia was "rolling" across the border but it never happened.

Crimea citizens actually voted to succeed from UKraine and they did so and Russia accepted them into part of Russia.
Most of the Ukraine and Crimea was apart of Russia for hundreds of years.
It wasn't until recently in history that Ukraine became a country. You have one side of the country who speaks Russian and the other side who does not that is the minority.
You've inspired me study some more on the situation.
LOL The photo on the right turns up in wacko aussy fake conspiracy blogs that claim FEMA camps are in Australia..

Chemtrails and HAARP too?
FEMA concentration camps (also FEMA death camps and just FEMA camps) exist in the mind of a particularly loopy bunch of conspiracy theorists who believe that mass internment facilities have been built across the continental United States by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in preparation for a future declaration of martial law (or similar nefarious ends).

The camps allegedly come complete with barbed wire fences straight out of World War II, boxcars for moving people around, and plastic coffins for burying them. (Why not just burn the corpses Nazi-style? Is FEMA concerned about its greenhouse gas output?)

Thanks for the laughs, ignoramus.

Maybe you and twostroke can get together after you both get committed for life by "liberal fascists". (snicker)
Fake news.
It was every 3 months our "media" was reporting that russia was "rolling" across the border but it never happened.

Crimea citizens actually voted to succeed from UKraine and they did so and Russia accepted them into part of Russia.
Most of the Ukraine and Crimea was apart of Russia for hundreds of years.
It wasn't until recently in history that Ukraine became a country. You have one side of the country who speaks Russian and the other side who does not that is the minority.

"America" actually voted for Hillery. Hmm.

remember when trump said that he chose the location of the convention? or that the NFL called him to complain about the debate times? or that the boy scouts told him he gave the best speech ever? or when he said that mexico would pay for the wall? or when he said that he would repeal obamacare immediately? and get rid of gun free zones on day one? and ban all muslims?

trump lies more than anyone else in the entire world and you STILL believe him.

what the fuck is wrong with you? can you not tell a lie from a fact, you blithering mental retard?

mmm many of those things you listed are things he started on day 1. You cannot simply snap your fingers and have it done. The establishment republicans and democrats are fighting him tooth and nail on bringing jobs back to the country and fighting for our independent rights.

95% of the dems and I'd say 80% of the Rep are globalists.
"America" actually voted for Hillery. Hmm.

When you allow illegals to vote and allowing ex felons to vote, busing dem voters from booth to booth.... sure you can win the popular vote. Problem is its not a popular vote its an electoral vote. Trump won the most counties in the US by a landslide and it wasn't even close.
2623 counties
489 counties

Electoral vote
304 electoral votes

Clinton could have easily won if she wasn't a known criminal and actually campaign. Trump centered on certain states that was in the balance and won those states. Clinton never showed up.
Trump never showed up to states that Clinton would win. Trump could of easily brought his popular vote up by millions if he went to Cali/ Oregon/NY etc etc and campaigned hard. Might have lost the election though.

What really killed Hillary was the rate hike increase on Obama Care that come out just a few days prior to the election. But I think most everybody knows that it is going to continue to skyrocket especially if Trump stops the funneling of money from the HUD department to Obama Care that is funneled to the Insurance companies..
Yes it is a scam as well by the Gov.

Small Gov = honest Gov
Big Gov = corrupt Gov
When you allow illegals to vote and allowing ex felons to vote, busing dem voters from booth to booth.... sure you can win the popular vote. Problem is its not a popular vote its an electoral vote. Trump won the most counties in the US by a landslide and it wasn't even close.
2623 counties
489 counties

Electoral vote
304 electoral votes

Clinton could have easily won if she wasn't a known criminal and actually campaign. Trump centered on certain states that was in the balance and won those states. Clinton never showed up.
Trump never showed up to states that Clinton would win. Trump could of easily brought his popular vote up by millions if he went to Cali/ Oregon/NY etc etc and campaigned hard. Might have lost the election though.

What really killed Hillary was the rate hike increase on Obama Care that come out just a few days prior to the election. But I think most everybody knows that it is going to continue to skyrocket especially if Trump stops the funneling of money from the HUD department to Obama Care that is funneled to the Insurance companies..
Yes it is a scam as well by the Gov.

Small Gov = honest Gov
Big Gov = corrupt Gov
What's wrong with letting people who have served their time and paid their debt to society rejoin the franchise? Are you so afraid of their vote that you'd rather see them never be able to again?

Sounds pretty unAmerican to me. Even fascist.