People and Directions...

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
my girlfriend is trying to explain how to get to our place to someone. and im here like just give her the address... gps... smart phones... google and every other search engine sit has it


Well-Known Member
So you are willing to be completely reliant upon technology to get you around? That's sad, what happens when he network crashed? You're gonna be like fuck how do get home? I'm an idiot because of my smart phone! I'll just google it...wait...:clap:


Pickle Queen
Ha i pity people who can't figure out which way is North, a map is like latin to some lol. I don't use GPS unless i've reviewed the trip plan on a map myself, main reason is it does not have daily construction updates, this can put a sour pickle in your plans very fast if u don't actualy know where u are and what alternate routes u can use, plus accidents happen ;) I've done trips that required me to drive up to 20 hours in places i've never driven in , the moment i got lost he reached for GPS and i grabbed the map, 5 mins later i had a plan and the GPS was still telling me to turn around lmfao


Well-Known Member
If you put my address in a GPS, it wants to take you 18 miles love technology...I'm the only house on a street that happens to have the same name as a crowded street
Then theres like 55 lakes in a 15 mile radious with all woods and corn fields,so eveything looks the's funny, cause I found it no problem on paper, but everyone else gets losts coming out....thats why I love it, we don't even have a mailman.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
to hell with gps. it's only about 80% accurate if you're lucky and i don't like being told what to do by some robot cunt.
if a compass and a map won't get you there you should just take the bus.
with a decent map you should be able to plan a fine route. the only thing the technology is good for is avoiding traffic, and that doesn't even work half the time. i was once stuck in a 5 mile traffic jam on an interstate for an hour and a half and my google traffic thingy said it was all clear.


New Member
My gps will try to get you to take the interstate every time even if it means going 50 miles out of the way. They are for the totally helpless.


Well-Known Member
i dont use gps but i usually know where i am going to some extent. i know where the freeways go, if i need to get on one, i can gt where i need to go. i usually dont drive further than 5 miles diameter from my hoome lol. why would i? i can get everything i need withiin a mile of here.


Well-Known Member
My first time driving to Michigan before I moved there I left late and used a gps thinking I would get there before night.

Well I didn't get into Michigan until 11pm and then the gps robot cunt decided it would be funny to get me lost in Detroit... I drove around for an hour in a white BMW praying that nobody would try to jack my car. Started at 7 mile off the highway, ended up on 9 mile in a random ghetto. Finally found my way back to the highway and drove way back until I got to a rest station and got a map.


Well-Known Member
My first time driving to Michigan before I moved there I left late and used a gps thinking I would get there before night.

Well I didn't get into Michigan until 11pm and then the gps robot cunt decided it would be funny to get me lost in Detroit... I drove around for an hour in a white BMW praying that nobody would try to jack my car. Started at 7 mile off the highway, ended up on 9 mile in a random ghetto. Finally found my way back to the highway and drove way back until I got to a rest station and got a map.
it takes people that way into my place from outta state it's the most fucked up way possible
How did the BMW like our pot holes??


Well-Known Member
dont understand the technology hatred myself,

sure a map is good, but gps is better (though it has a few kinks)


ya can always ask for directions if the gps fails ;) lol (and if you are going where there are no people and you dont have a map and a compass for backup, you kinda deserve what you get)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
People really are becoming useless these days. Personally, i like getting directions, think of it as memory exercises :)

And hey, when i turn around and tell you i have no GPS or google, you're gonna feel like quite the jackass when you can't explain how to get to your house :lol:

There is no hatred for the tech from me, just a hatred for how dependent people are becoming on it. Take a kids phone away these days and it's safe to say they would disintegrate. And it's no longer just a reliance, it's an obsession, and a bad one.


Well-Known Member
dont own a gps btw, or even a map lol :) (very rarely have gotten lost, think i remember 2 times, vaguely and both were short brief moments)


Well-Known Member
and i like climbing mountains and shit (and going walking alone, even in big new cities :))


Well-Known Member
I used to use paper maps when out exploring, then I realized my iphone maps were great- with the added safety of tracking my position. Once I knew exactly where I was out where there were no visible landmarks or trails I was happy. I could go back to a paper map but.... Meh. I still think you should try and memorize routes and pay attention to local key points even using GPS. I find in car sat navs are crap. My iphone maps have helped me plan routes many a time and get me to a very unfamiliar place quick.


Well-Known Member
People really are becoming useless these days. Personally, i like getting directions, think of it as memory exercises :)

And hey, when i turn around and tell you i have no GPS or google, you're gonna feel like quite the jackass when you can't explain how to get to your house :lol:

There is no hatred for the tech from me, just a hatred for how dependent people are becoming on it. Take a kids phone away these days and it's safe to say they would disintegrate. And it's no longer just a reliance, it's an obsession, and a bad one.

gotta remember, they always had computers

i played outside as a kid but around 13 i sure was quickly drawn to computers and have been since.

i seriously doubt i would have been different than those kids today and you either.

i wouldnt go to pieces without one, but it sure would be boring without them :)


Well-Known Member
I've never used GPS in my life. You have a much better sense of direction once you've missed a turn or two.


Well-Known Member
Some people will never know how a paper map works,They will be the ones lost in the forest and get eaten by grizzlies and wild panthers,if only they woulda known how to use a map,

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Not that long ago google gave me directions... towards the end of the trip lets say with about 50 minutes left of driving it says to take teh exit off the highway... so exit highway... google says to turn down a street... so turn down the street... google says at end of street do a U-turn... *Like WTF google*... then google says to follow the road back on to the highway and continue driving in the direction that I was headed in before google told me get off the highway... Fuck you very much google... Fuck you very much...