"People are dumb" Rant thread

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahaha, didn't go over your head, more over mine and confused me lol. I read that i had written yours instad of your, and then when reading your quote of me read the wrong you're/yours :D So while i was wrong i can still maintain you being in the wrong in that you missed me using "yours" where it should have simply been your :lol: See why i refrain from making this type of thread lol


Ursus marijanus
Oh I see it now! I was fixated on "août". I'd have been much quicker on the uptake when I was younger ... in days of yore. cn


Ursus marijanus
A blonde (exceptional physical specimen) walks into a bar and loudly declares "Budweiser!!! I love Budweiser! Bartender! Pour me a Budweiser!"
So he does, a total of twelve times, before she slides off the barstool.
Now the regulars have been watching her slow dissolution, so when she passes out, they take her into the back and take turns until they're all beat. Then they deposit her in the alley.

Next week she walks into the bar. "Budweiser!! I love the stuff. Pour me one, bartender!"
Twelve such go down, and then she follows. The regulars are ready and waiting.

Third week. She walks in, and the bartender is already reaching for the Bud tap. But to everyone's surprise, she meekly says "Gimme a Miller."
The regulars cannot conceal their dismay. The bartender says "Had you figured for a Bud girl through&through."
She says "Yeah ... I love the stuff. But I 've developed some sort of reaction."
"How do you mean?" from the bartender.

"It gives me a sore c*nt." ~rimshot~ cn


Well-Known Member
:cuss::cuss::cuss::finger::finger: and :cuss::finger::finger::cuss:
dumb MFer forgot the password to a common email address so they changed it. now they forgot what they changed it to.
same fucking email address and password for years. FUCK


Active Member
dumb people?? any person that finds pedophilia funny. is there a classification that is lower than dumb?
how come if somthing is funny its funny whats pink and hairy and hangs out of prams a pedos arse its the same whith race i would not disrespect some one coz there skin wasn't the same colour as mine as my mum and dad told me respect people but like i said if its funny its funny


Active Member
Ok grammar nazi!
There's a difference between making a mistake and not knowing the difference between the two ;)
and English isn't my first language and I still write it better than most English people :D
yeh but if you wher to understan English you would relize it is a basterd language as they don't have there own that is why most of Scotland can't speak our own language as the english cant understand it we don't even get to learn about our own culture the english stole most of there basterd language form latin as for french don't get me going about that lot