people need to stop cutting corners

It's fine I'm gonna spend all my time on the general growing section pointing out every thread that is put there that should be moved, since according to subgee it's bettering the community
In all honesty shouldn't a person have made a thread or a post in the forum they are moderating within the last year before they are made mod of said forum?
I spend 3-4 hours a day answering stupid questions that are in the stickies, not to mention writing guides and doing ridiculous experiments, and the one forum that a mod told us was ok for us to keep running, he turns around and backs the guy that that closed it. Not deleted, but closed, after admitting he only read the first page. He should have read the posts BY THE OTHER SECTION MODS that said it was fine to keep going since we were actually being productive. If I could I'd delete the guide I wrote on there but it's been too long so I'm just gonna let it die, even though I've gotten friggin gray repped out the ass by noobs saying how much it helped them. He hasn't started a thread in that section in over a year and almost all of his posts are in toke and talk except for like 5 that were thread closings or movings.
All i know is that cranker keeps bring up point after valid point...this is shit that should be addressed.

well i hope u get the answer u seek i dont have it though not my place
i am just chilling and made thread to give u guys your thread to shoot shit
and didnt mean it to be about riu
so i guess u guys hijacked my thread im ok with that though
wont complain have fun but dont get carried away and instead of posting ? to mods or admin why dont u take it out of public eye and pm them and lets just have fun here and be silly
well i hope u get the answer u seek i dont have it though not my place
i am just chilling and made thread to give u guys your thread to shoot shit
and didnt mean it to be about riu
so i guess u guys hijacked my thread im ok with that though
wont complain have fun but dont get carried away and instead of posting ? to mods or admin why dont u take it out of public eye and pm them and lets just have fun here and be silly

I won't pm a mod who locks a thread after I ask a simple question, instead of letting me respond, then is unlocked by another mod so he can pat him on the butt and say good job then close the thread again. What's the point? Especially since the 2nd mod already said he would move it to T&T then said it was fine where it was.
And now he's mocking me on every post that subgee3 didn't move in the general growing section.
i agree cranker, there are way too many threads with the same flippin question, -"my leaves are yellow" over and over again. if they really wanted to learn they would read lol.

but i like the mania of threads everywhere, it gives me a chance to sharpen my skills. but mostly it just attributes to bad info cuz i always see the same wrong answers. the most common is people screaming flush when the plants already deficient lol