PEOPLE PLEASE!!!When will the dank smell come back!!!!


Active Member
Grew some mazar, plants smelled wonderful througout flowering...cut it, hung it to dry for 5 days and stuck in mason jars...burping every so often...When will that wonderful smell that I always get from the club come back...:wall: am I being to anxious does it take a while ? shared thought and suggestions would be greatly appreciated:lol:


Well-Known Member
in my limited experience. ( 3 grows), i noticed it takes a little curing to get that smell AND taste. however, mine always had that dank smell(slightly different than finished smell) throughout the curing process.

welfare train

Active Member
How long has it been in the jars curing?

On my first grow the flavor and smell really didn't start to get dank until after about a week and a half of curing.


Well-Known Member
it could be to dried out, the smell usually doesnt go away it usually gets stinkier when you put it in the jars


Active Member
sup guys nooo the bud is definetly not dried out this...just jared it on the 5th.....It does have a smell to it dont get me wrong...just not that rank, dank, skunk, funk smell i desire..maybe im just too anxious it has only been a few days...


Active Member
u need to hang dry for 7-10 days, then cure in air-tight jars for AT LEAST 2weeks, the longer u cure the better the smell and taste, by curing ur braking down chlorophyl and that makes for much nicer sweeta smoke.


Well-Known Member
Or it could be cropping too early. Sounds like ya not really doing much wrong espesh if drying for 5 days. There should be some moisture left in there. As long as the stems dont snap or even crack at a slight bend then its jar time which is what your doing i believe. How long you did you flower for? And was there much white pistils showing still?


Well-Known Member
sit back, puff puff, walk away from the jars lolz. and give it 5-7days straight without burping them anymore (assuming the nugs were dried right).. longer w/o opening the jars, the better.. trust me

goodluck & enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
What was the humidity of the room you dried it in?

best question yet... everyone always says days but not at the humidity you dried it out you can have 1/2 a crop in one room and hte other half in another room both drying for 5 days but they wont dry at the same pace becasue the humidity may be 60 % in one room and the other room might be at 40 % so get a hydrometer for your dry room


how good of a trim job did you do? if you left to much leaf matter on the plant it will keep that funny green smell.....