People that own cats grow better weed

Something my cat can't knock over to get the fish. Lmao

I keep telling my wife I want to build a pond in the yard. She keeps telling me the cat will just eat the fish.

She's wrong. The cat will bring me the fish and drop it at my feet with a look of pride in her eyes.

But yea the pond and goldfish bowl are out.
If you get like a 55 gallon tank and use live plants you could get away with a water change probably once a month once things get going. Just don't hammer a million fish in there. And once the tank is established you can absolutely use that water in the garden. Amonia from the fish waste breaks down into nitrites then nitrates and nitrates are nitrogen in soil. I use a sump pump ($45) to a 30 gal reservoir (10 dollar trashcan). So I siphon 30 gallons from the fishtank into reservoir a. Then I refill with the clean water using the sump pump. Then transfer sump pump into the fish waste water and just spray that water onto the plants.
I want a fish tank. I dont want the maintenance that a fish tank brings....

Any suggestions?
Do it. I'm in the Northeast, dark by 4pm. Having a tank is like a piece of the tropics in winter lol. They arent that bad. Once you get it all set up, it will regulate itself. Sucker fish are great bottom feeders. I have a 30 g freshwater I clean about once a month. Plants love the dirty filter i pull out and replace every cleaning. I have a spare pump i bubble the dirty filter in until it's time to water my plants.
I'd love a saltwater but heard they are a bit more maintenance.