Quite frankly I just laugh when people think of themselves as "hunters" and think they're talented. Sitting in a tree for five hours with a loaded gun is not hunting and it's pure comedy that some people think it is. Or when people go to an enclosed area and hunt, there can't be anything more pathetic than that. REAL hunting would require you to physically run down and catch whatever it is you want to eat and then tear them open with your bare hands to get the 'parts' you want to eat. Besides, what makes your life more valuable than an animals (speciesism)? This concept right here is the basis of all forms of discrimination or hatred. Hatred is learned and so is speciesism, which is the belief that humans are superior to other forms of life (not at all). What makes racism so bad but speciesism perfectly fine?
Humans are not natural carnivores nor are they omnivores and meat eating is one of the biggest contributors to rapidly increasing disease, even grass-fed w/ no antibiotics or hormones. We don't have sharp fangs or claws to rip into flesh, and physiologically, the human body is 100% herbivorous. We have carbohydrate digestive enzymes in our saliva, only found in herbivores. Our intestines are within the same range as all other herbivores. Our lower jaw goes side to side to in a grinding motion, carnivores jaws go up and down. They also eat the animals raw, on the spot, something humans would get extremely sick from. TRUE carnivores never get clogged arteries. Guess what's one of the biggest killers in America? Arthrosclerosis, or clogged arteries... I wonder why.
Actually, meat eaters have significantly lower lifespans than vegetarians. Nobody is trying to act superior here, at least not me, it's about defending the BILLIONS of animals that are enslaved, locked up, hooked up to machines, forced to live in filthy, unsanitary conditions, and then slaughtered each YEAR. It's a holocaust and actually costs a lot more money because you have to feed all these animals that will ultimately be murdered anyways, rather than just eating plant-based foods yourself.Your diet is like your taste in music, its different for everyone. I think we can all agree though that the meat being produced in massive factories is just not as good of an option as meat you harvested wild, or bought local and organic. I think we can also agree that a human can live a 100% healthy life being vegan, the same as you can live a 100% healthy life being someone who consumes meat. Could we not also agree its a healthy thing to eat a diet that is mainly fruits, vegetables and leafy greens vs a diet that is comprised of meat and only a few veggies. I wish vegans and vegetarians would stop acting so superior, and the same goes for people who eat meat. Disputing the diet choice based on fact is one thing, but saying stuff like "vegetarian, an old indian word for bad hunter" is offensive to some. I personally find it kind if funny and clever, but rather distasteful because you would not appreciate someone making a comment like that to you. Anyways folks eat what you like, but keep in mind you are what you eat!
Good argument. By the way you don't hunt and never will unless you physically track down your prey, manhandle it, kill it, and then rip it apart with your bare hands or just start eating it on the spot.I hunt and i garden and youre dumb.
I'm not shifting anything. If someone is willing to hunt down their "prey", no weapons involved, and eats the animal flesh raw like a true carnivore.. by all means go try and survive doing that. We'll see how long that experiment lasts.jprin, now you have shifted your argument from hunters that take animals that live in the wild to factory farmed enslaved animals. Your crossing your swords. You do realize that when a hunter kills an animal and guts it that those same guts feed the animals that you so want to save right? I never in my youth nor my father took an animals life without saying thanks nor did we take for sport. No one was allowed on our land to hunt for sport either.
1.) Ok? I already explained what it meant.1) the word describes a concept.
2) You still need to say the how and why of this. cn
nothing makes any life special =] i think of plants, animals, and humans all the same that is why i don't give a fuck if i put someone 30 feet underQ... Besides, what makes your life more valuable than an animals (speciesism)?
Humans are not natural carnivores nor are they omnivores and meat eating is one of the biggest contributors to rapidly increasing disease, even grass-fed w/ no antibiotics or hormones. We don't have sharp fangs or claws to rip into flesh, and physiologically, the human body is 100% herbivorous. We have carbohydrate digestive enzymes in our saliva, only found in herbivores. Our intestines are within the same range as all other herbivores. Our lower jaw goes side to side to in a grinding motion, carnivores jaws go up and down. They also eat the animals raw, on the spot, something humans would get extremely sick from. TRUE carnivores never get clogged arteries. Guess what's one of the biggest killers in America? Arthrosclerosis, or clogged arteries... I wonder why.
Taking pride in killing animals shows a lot about someone's character. Seems like a lot of these people are weak-minded individuals who feel tough because they can use weapons they didn't even create to lock up animals and then slaughter them. What if someone did that to your family member, would it be wrong then? Humans are also the only species to drink another species milk, which not only steals it away from their babies, but their utters get infected from constantly being hooked up to tubes that are always sucking out as much milk as possible.He's in my freezer right now. Well, what's left of him.![]()
You have the ability to grind and move your jaw side to side, something natural carnivores cannot do because they need a strong jaw to bite through raw animal flesh.nothing makes any life special =] i think of plants, animals, and humans all the same that is why i don't give a fuck when i put someone 30 feet under
dude idk about you but when i eat my mouth goes up and down... it doesn't move around like a fucking cow
Hit the bricks thenyour fighting a loosing battle jtprin and youre making the rest of us vegans and vegetarians look bad just fucking stop
no you need to shut up no one here is going to agree with your hatred statements, why are you trying ot make the rest of us peaceful veg heads look bad. shut up and go eat some tofu because youre beating a dead horse here.Hit the bricks then