We are also capable of tremendous cruelty, usually with a religious backdrop.
I'm not trying to convince you. You simply reject the science which you don't like while you take full advantage of the ones you do like. Lots of folks take that road.
right that is part of our conscious that allows us to be good and bad, do right or wrong... animals dont make that distinction, they go on instinct.
i dont reject the science i want, i accept it all, i just showed you an article that said we were 2.5 percent genetically different from mice. could it be because we, like everything living on this planet are carbon based life forms? why does it have to be that we had a common ancestor with primates? science only can theorize, they cannot prove it, and they dont have enough evidence to lean conclusively that way... and agin i bring up the point that darwin, who created the theory you preach, did not believe in it, and he spent his entire life studying it, yet you believe it because you read a few snippets on the net?
and TeaTree, like we were talking about, environmental adaptation, which is like evolution within a species as you know..
dark people are dark due to being on a continent with great exposure to the sun, and hotter climates, this goes on every side of the world, from africa, south america, asia etc.. people with fair skin are in typically colder, less harsh climates such as europe, russia and siberia, canada etc. they also tend to have thicker facial and body hair presumably to protect themselves from the elements makes sense considering even if a fair skinned person is in the sun, they will get dark.. people are of different shapes an sizes due to the same thing along with diets.. like they say you are what you eat, and your body reflects that .. again this is purely theory represented by various scientific research, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than humans coming from monkeys...
and no, i am not a bigot, i am not a racist, i am not a specist.. why do you try to lash out at me? is it because you cannot debate the facts? are you getting frustrated? i believe that despite the changes and differences on the outside, humans are still spiritual beings operating in human vessels, and just because they may have evolved differently over time in different areas, doesnt make anyone any better or worse than another. all men are created equal
haha stoney, just like fox news.. well that is true. people are always searching for something to believe in. i myself am not religious, and have fairly radical beliefs if i laid them all out.. i also do not understand how people can believe in the theory of evolution in the sense of the origin of man and species.. i can understand how people can believe in environmental adaptation because it makes sense, but trying to link them all together just seems silly to me.
in the end people will believe what they want to believe until something better comes along. since we are all looking to believe in something, generally people will llook for something that goes along with their situation in life or lifestyle, not neccisarily the truth. people can theorise and throw scientific research at eachother back and forth but an infinite amount of arguements and debunks can be made to satisfy the other party.. in the end its all about personal choice and what rings true in the mind of the beholder.