perfect lights for closet grow??


Well-Known Member
Good if you seal it, I suggest you make a frame to support the ducting or it will end up ripping the plastic.

Just literally a few little bits of wood around it to hold it in place.



ok after careful consideration i know i what i want to accomplish. first off i'm going to go with the 600w hps cuz i'd rather be safe than sorry, and i'd rather be happy then just get by. I've been fucked alot of times in life, n i deff don't want to screw over my best and only friend thats always been there lol mj... since its such a small space i really don't want my plants to overheat, n i want to keep the veg area right above, so i'm going to keep my closet open during the light period...(if i make a door with the polymer right behind the closet door with the closet door open will heat get out or no?) also with closet door open how can i eliminate odor? don't want the whole house to stink up. will i have to do place carbon filters in closet, n in my room? or just room? I'll probably cover the windows with a trash bag or something (to hide grow light) if i can't use the polymer if it holds heat in the closet. does this sound like it'll work?


Well-Known Member
You can place the filter where you want but inline fans always pull better than they push. (the filter is better off inside and the fan outside so the fan pulls air through the filter).

You are talking about a fuckload of heat. Your ventilation needs to work all the time not just with the door open. What about the day you go away for a day and the cupboard blows shut. (this is from personal experience I had a similar cab door got shut I went to leeds festival and skadoosh lost a crop).

Temperature controllers and proper ducting and air cooled lights are the way to go. You can start with just the filter and exhaust running through an air cooled hood.

Its up to you but they will all die if it gets too hot. Tread carefully.

I like my grows to be contained and well vented, it gives more control. My 2 600's pre tweaking my air flow heated my entire house to silly heat through the day.

Mouse out


srry i'm not much of a handyman, n i suck at diy tasks so i have to slave my hard earned money for the light, n all the vent. stuff, n i have to set up the ducting? idk its gonna have to be one or the other lol


Well-Known Member
When I first got my budbox I just had a carbon filter inside hooked to a fan for exhaust and a single 600 watter. It did the job just about. I would have considered both pieces necessary to make it the success it was.

Obviously the light is the priority. But if you cant use it due to heat its useless. If you think you will have enough ventilation then go for it just keep it cool enough to cut down and put some money back into your gear. That is how I got where I am today.
