Perfect old op...bout to be renewed


Well-Known Member
Ya i know but it was just kinda a dumbass post. i guess im not in a position to tell anyone what to do here. im givin them a break from the fan tonight and ill put them in the sweet sunshine tomorrow. then at night should i bring them back in? and if i do put them outside itll screw up the ligth cycle i have established is this ok? i have them on 18/6 now.


Well-Known Member
For the 4 plants that are goin in holes, ive lined the hole with chicken wire and put my divider in. today i emptied out soem of the old grow bags and it seemed pretty good so i sifted the roots out and filled up one of the holes with it, o ya i mixed in 1 whole sack of organic compost. anything else i should add?


Well-Known Member
K i have a 100 gallon tank for water. im gonna buy this water timer that takes two 9v batteries and says it lasts a year so i dont have to visit the op to often. PLZ help me out! i dont know anything about drip but i wana have my plants on it. i have a shit load of the 1/2'' drip hose and a double shit load of the drip line with a bunch of attachments on it. also got 4 of the things that a 1/2'' hose goes into and it turns into 8 little drip lines with valves on it. can i have all 14 plants on drip with these materials? i need info cuz im goin to get the timer tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Im in cali my self. k so for soil would horse manure and field dirt be ok? maybe some vermiculite or perlite to. still would like to know whats peat moss?
yep a bit of manure,some perlite and the soil that is there will be fine(you might want to take a cheap ph tester with you to test the ph)

Peat Moss in the truest sense is actually a family of wild growing mosses of the Sphagnum kind or family of mosses as it is scientifically known. Peat Moss, as used in gardening, is a fibrous, decomposed remains of these certain types of moss, which are found in very wet areas of the country. It is a highly prized natural plant food and can be used as a covering or mulch like substance for seeded areas.


Well-Known Member
well i dont have to make any soil now, my firends buyin 15 bags of ocean forest this week. already filled the holes with the old soil and a whole sack of glaum organic compost for each hole. the grow bags will have the ocean forest in them. should i add any perlite or vermiculite to the ocean forest?


Well-Known Member
Well i checked out my creek fed mini pond/resevoir today and i had no idea itd end up bein so damn COOL!! Its hella sick its crystal clear water and theres salamanders sitting atthe bottom. i hate to disrupt it but it needs to be a tad deeper so im headin out with the shovel and pick ax again tomorrow. o ya are the salamanders gonna be a problem for the water, guess theyre actually newts but anyway...can they stay?


Well-Known Member
K i got 3 plants out there there about 6 inches tall, in jiffy pots, with a mini greenhouse over them. im using liquinox grow formula on them. when can they go into their perminant homes?


Well-Known Member
in about a week i think. let them relax a week, in the new light, then set them in for the summer.