Perhaps growing will teach me some patience...

This is my first time growing and I am under equipped. I do have soil (duh) pH pen, hygrometer, fans, a couple of LED growing lights (balanced spectrum) and an insatiable appetite for worlds secrets/knowledge. Without nutrients, (I am using Super Thrive) what quality of weed will it bear if any? I will use blackstrap molasses in flowering stage.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
are you saying you want to grow strait through to flowering with no plant food? Is plant food difficult for you to get or is there another reason
are you saying you want to grow strait through to flowering with no plant food? Is plant food difficult for you to get or is there another reason
Brother, right now it's just a funding matter really. I do put coffee grounds and eggshells (crushed, very crushed) and of course a lil Super Thrive I was fortunate to come across. But I very much love these lil guys/girls and want to give them the best. 12 on & 6 off. What can I do? Maybe I could 'create' some?