Perlite in soil


sup dudes!
So what should I do if the plant is already in the soil for some time but I want to mix some perlite there, I dont want to stress the plant by pulling it out from soil, Is it possible to get perlite in soil when plant is already there?
Thanks! :peace:


i just toss it on top and work it in with out hittin the roots really hard to mix it under the roots


Well-Known Member
Um I'd just pull the plant out of the pot, throw some perlite in the bottom of the pot, and then put the plant back in. If the rootball is all entangeled in the soil I wouldn't fuck with it personall just to put some perlite in there. Just leave it, it'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I'd CAREFULLY pull it out. if the roots grab the medium it would be easier as you need to transplant anyway :D
Then I'd mix whatever left in the pot with the perlite and put the plant ON TOP of that.

Another way to get more air in is by drilling more holes on the bottom (or sides).

As you get more air in the medium you get less water, which means more watering. Take that into consideration.


If you want good drainage and air-flow fore the soil and roots. I'd suggest getting 4-5 earthworms fore etch pot. :D I know it might sound a bit weird, but think about it!
They poop plant-food, eat the stuff you don't want, improve soil texture and drainage and moves air in to the soil.. (and they don't eat living roots)

Is easier to get in your soil than perlite..


If you want good drainage and air-flow fore the soil and roots. I'd suggest getting 4-5 earthworms fore etch pot. :D I know it might sound a bit weird, but think about it!
They poop plant-food, eat the stuff you don't want, improve soil texture and drainage and moves air in to the soil.. (and they don't eat living roots)

Is easier to get in your soil than perlite..
Damn that sounds interesting... :blsmoke:


Thought someone might! :)

I grew nirvana specials a looong time ago. I had 5-6 earthworms in each pot. (bought them as fishing bait/compost worms) Never had problems with water staying on top, no "soil crust" eater. And for the ~10 weeks it lasted the plants ware healthy (had to harvest early..) And I saw living worms when i threw the roots out..

Just try on your regular plants if your a none believer.. ;)