


MG perlite is no good. Get the big green bags at home depot.


Junior Creatologist
im usin MG perlite right now, but am about to change it up. Using MG perlite is the same as using MG soil - you can use it, but you have to be careful if your adding your own nutes to the mix, cuz youll be able to burn the fuck out of your plants really easily. Ive burned my plants badly twice now, and they are surviving after a flush and changing out the soil once, but then ive made the mistake of goin right back to MG, using moisture control soil and MG perlite. Burned them again like an idiot tryin to add MG bloom boost to the mix, cuz it says right on the fuckin box that if i use it as directed with other MG products it garuntees no nute burn.

Well that garuntee fuckin sucks cuz i got nute burn, lol. If you can, find some normal perlite at Lowes or Home Depot. They should have it. I found regular Perlite, Vermiculite, and worm castings there, but i didnt buy them cuz im goin up to the hydro shop n pickin up some fox farm :D

good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah! I have to admit it - I bought a bag of that stuff (by accident) one time. Since then I always read the whole bag over carefully. That's pretty tricky though, hiding Miracle Gro in perlite!

How hard does anyone think it might be to flush that crap out? No offence meant to any of you MG users - just my $.02!


Well-Known Member
Probably not hard at all. I'm sure it can be used well enough, it's just that it's easy, especially for beginners, but burn our Mary. That was why I offered up the warning I did, that plus it REALLY surprised me when I actually read the damned bag and saw that.

That being said, considering how I care for all my other non-Mary plants, it's probably a good thing they put some ferts in the perlite. :lol:


Active Member
MG perlite is the only thing available where I am. I just pour some into a strainer and rinse the hell out of it until the water runs clear. I have used it several times like this and no nute burn.


Junior Creatologist
MG perlite is the only thing available where I am. I just pour some into a strainer and rinse the hell out of it until the water runs clear. I have used it several times like this and no nute burn.
thats actually the best fuckin idea ive ever heard pertaining to MG. +rep for you. N also, since your a genius apparently, lol, any suggestions for the people out there who only have access to mg soil?? maybe take a strainer to the soil too, n get out all of the time released nute balls n rinse off the perlite? this might actually work for them :D laundering MG soil - man i like it. Its probably a labourious task, but its smart for the people who dont have access to anything else....


Well-Known Member
every wal-mart ive ever been in has Shultz perlite. just plain ol perlite. weird you guys dont have where you are.

'All treat' i found to be better, Shultz seemed to be crushed all the time and the drainage is not as good when its all crushed and powdery.

but at $4-$5 a bag id rather get the big ass bag from a hydro store for $20.


Well-Known Member
And we only have one Walmart where I live, and they ain't got SHIT. They're supposed to carry perlite, but do you think they actually have it in stock? Walmart is damn near the only game in town, fortunately, I've discovered a local garden center that has lots of organic products, including unadulterated perlite (and in a bigger bag than I can get at Lowe's).