Permafrost and Bubble Kush, Organic Soil, 400 HPS, Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
Np MD, I just enjoy reading good grow logs and like what I enjoy and is informative. Afterall, besides my natural gardening instincts everything I know about growing bud has come from reading countless journals and threads over the years on forums like this. I've learned a lot of technical stuff about plants in general not just about MJ. I think some MJ growers know more than some botonists lol.
I'm actually disapointed so far in regards to the CK. The CK and BB are two of the three seeds I actually paid for, the third crit mass cbd didn't even germ are the runts of the group. The two freebies are doing way better. Although the CK finally kicked off when I moved it to the side. Ill take specific shots of each plant later when light goes off.

What were you zooming in on? The "white stuff"?


Well-Known Member
Group shot.
Left side is CK, back left is permafrost, front left is bubble kush, back right is BB and front right is diesel.

Permafrost side shot.


Watered with ACT last night and put about 2"layer of vermiculite on top as a mulch. Before the verm layer I worked in some Azomitite, 1-1-1 compost with microbes, ground chia seed (for cal/mag) and mychorizae as a light top dress.

Ill take and post some lights off pics of each plant.


Well-Known Member
Np MD, I just enjoy reading good grow logs and like what I enjoy and is informative. Afterall, besides my natural gardening instincts everything I know about growing bud has come from reading countless journals and threads over the years on forums like this. I've learned a lot of technical stuff about plants in general not just about MJ. I think some MJ growers know more than some botonists lol.
I'm actually disapointed so far in regards to the CK. The CK and BB are two of the three seeds I actually paid for, the third crit mass cbd didn't even germ are the runts of the group. The two freebies are doing way better. Although the CK finally kicked off when I moved it to the side. Ill take specific shots of each plant later when light goes off.

What were you zooming in on? The "white stuff"?
Yes sir, I was zooming in on the DE :)


Well-Known Member
Early Blueberry
Crit Kush
Bubble Kush

Rest of PF pics didn't come out worth a shit so ill highlight that one next update. All have pistils now. BK and PF are about 2-3 weeks ahead of other 3. I love how bonsai I got the two clones. There only anout 18" tall and wide so like a scrog without the screen. Looking forward to how they fill out.


Well-Known Member
Pics of the purple bud outside. Frosted two nights in a row and its not even fazed. Its a male. I was just gonna grow it out and toss it but now I think I may make some beans because two things. Its purpling on new leaves which is genetic not environmental which is desirable but more Importantly it is frosting. I don't know much about males or breeding as I never grow same things back to back and rarely more then once so I've never felt need to make beans. Blueberry is only strain I've ran with regularity. However, one thing I know from all the logs and journals I've read over the yearz is males are generally not frosty and so the fact this purple bud is throwing purple AND Frost only 1 week or so into flowering is crazy. Especially since its been only getting 3hrs or so direct sun. It also has a sexy fruity smell which I love.
I've never made beans before but I'm familiar with the process. Imma do whaat I always do when I want to learn something and read more specifically on breeding.

I would love any feedback or suggestions from anyone reading this how they would do it. I figure pollinating a few sat buds on each plant will give more than enough beans. I think the PB will blend especially well with the BB and PF. And just use qtip to pollinate and leave fans off for 12-36hrs? What do yall think?

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Well-Known Member
Ill take some pics with my DSLR sometime this week to show frost better because my phone doesn't show it that well but it is certainly there around purpling.


Well-Known Member
Right at 3 weeks since flipping to 12/12. PF and BK flowered right away and rest followed staggered with diesel furthest along at about 1-1 1/2 wks flowering and BB just starting. Crit Kush just started exploding and is as big as diesel now. EBB is still the runt but has biggest leaves by far. PF and BK just started packing on some frost but nothing special yet. I just read through this journal and can't believe its only been two months since I started these...feels like way longer lol. Anyways here's 3 weeks 12/12 pics.


Bubble Kush
Early Blueberry


Well-Known Member
5 1/2 weeks 12/12. About 5 weeks flowering for BK and PF. 4 weeks for diesel and crit kush. 3 1/2 for early Blueberry. Trimmed all the girls today of everything 1/3 down of sucker fluff so main energy goes to top buds. Just took quick canopy shot. Ill take individual shots next update. Variety of smells is intoxicating. I love it. Got light about 6" from canopy. I gave em all there last foiler spray of compost tea earlier this week. I have to water them more like a flood and drain style because there roots are so dense. Water just runs right through em so I gotta water and let em soak it up from bottom. I got a fungi tea I set to brew today and ill take and post pics tomorrow. I'm using the trim from their haircuts today except for sugar leaves imma make some iso out of. Tea is. Mushroom compost, few TB ground oats, a pureed bannana, azomite about 5 cups cannabis trim and a few TB happy frog kickstart. Gonna brew it until I get that earty mushroom smell from mycellium starting. Bout halfway there. So seemed right time to start fungi teas.



Well-Known Member
6 weeks 12/12

Early Blueberry




Bubble Kush

Critical Kush


All are starting to fill out and fattening up. Still got a ways to go but this is the fun part of the grow when they fill out and ripen. Watered them with the fungal tea and should see noticeable swell this week from it. Everything is starting to frost up and the blueberry is the most frosty.


Well-Known Member
Right on man. This is my first time stopping by but those are some nice looking ladies, congrats dude! I have a new grow just starting with a similar set up so I'm interested to see how your girls turn out, maybe help me gauge what mine will look like in the end.


Well-Known Member
Right on man. This is my first time stopping by but those are some nice looking ladies, congrats dude! I have a new grow just starting with a similar set up so I'm interested to see how your girls turn out, maybe help me gauge what mine will look like in the end.
Thanks for stopping by bud. Thank you for compliment and I am happy with them aswell. If you got a journal post the lunk and ill check it out. Good luck on your run and take care bud.



Well-Known Member
Sup everyone. 6 1/2 weeks update time. Found some damn nanners on the diesel. Did not see any on any other girls so it would appear to be a localized thing and not an environmental stressor causing it. This sucks because she is the most unique smelling of the bunch and rock hard frosty nuggs. I picked em off with a knife and will keep an eye on it. It's not a full on hermie thing, just throwing some random nanners so even if some escape me and pollinate itll just pump out a few seeds and shouldn't fuck anything up. If she throws more then I will just chop cuz don't want to seed my other girls. All are really packing on the frost now and the blueberry is just dripping resin. I love it. Anyways, hope yall enjoy the pics and I know I don't get all scientific with my updates, but if you have a question feel free to ask. Also stopped being lazy and took some pictures with the DSLR, but still didn't get the right Depth of field in some of them. Still learning how to shoot on Manual, cuz auto sux lol.



Tea Brewing and Nanners I plucked off
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I'll post the rest of the pics in next post



Well-Known Member






Another Diesel Shot


Diesel Top shot. I see a fucking Nanner. Sigh.

I don't know what happened to Bubble Kush and Critical Kush pictures....I deleted a bunch that didn't look good so I guess I didn't get any good ones of those. I will next water/update.

Temps are getting down to mid 50's at night and RH is mid to low 20's and gets to low 30s at night, so not sure how or if any that is affecting them. But they are going like champs. Small, dense, compact and frosty like I like em.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by bud. Thank you for compliment and I am happy with them aswell. If you got a journal post the lunk and ill check it out. Good luck on your run and take care bud.

For sure,

Not close to being done anytime soon but it's coming along.

....hope yall enjoy the pics and I know I don't get all scientific with my updates, but if you have a question feel free to ask. Also stopped being lazy and took some pictures with the DSLR, but still didn't get the right Depth of field in some of them. Still learning how to shoot on Manual, cuz auto sux lol.


Lol, I thought that was a good line. I tried to think if I get scientific with my updates but I think I'm in the same boat. I kind of just say what the girls are doing/how their looking. Isn't that the most important part though? Sorry to hear about the nanners though, that really sucks. I've read that if temps get low, like below 60, it can cause stress to the girls. I know you said it can get as low as the 50s at night so I don't know if that might be what's causing the nanners, but just a thought. I live in CO so my temps get low too and I have to throw a heater in there to keep it at 70 when the lights are out. Looking good though bro, I'll be stopping by to hear about the nanners, hope they work out. Good vibes to you!


Well-Known Member
The lower temps may have caused her to hermie. It is definitely possible, however I've grown in Alaska where temps got down to 30's and 40's and never had any hermie issues. I even had some autoflowers survive some early freezing in the mid 20's outside in AK. But, im not sure ive ever had plants that were stress free lol. I was tender my first grow or two, but since I have realized they are weeds and grow as such. A little ugliness does not hurt anything in my opinion, but then again I don't care about squeezing out every little bit of potential potency or yield, so I tend to be a bit neglectful lol. Which translates to stress, so I may have very well spoiled that poor lil diesel girl and made her flip the switch. I have not seen any nanners on any others so I think the Diesel is just having identity issues so I threw her ass in the closet. No, but seriously I flush watered the diesel with 3 gallons of water and molasses yesterday and put her by herself in a spare room and she will be in complete darkness for a week. I have never done a prolonged dark time at end before harvest so I figure this is as good a time to try as any. Not sure what will happen, but should be interesting to see what happens in a week with no light. I took some pics before and will compare to after. I will take some pictures of the other four in the tent and post update on those tomorrow. Also I will stop posting full size pics because I realized as I used my phone with lame 3g to look at my thread if you don't have fast internet it takes awhile for them to load. These are all pics of the Diesel before flush and isolation.

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Well-Known Member
Will post full update tomorrow. The Blueberry is gonna end up the size of a baseball bat or bigger. Everything is starting to pack on weight and is in that final 2-3 week fatten up for winter stage.

Also forgot to mention I flipped lights to 11/13 last week where they will finish. Depending on how the Diesel goes in it's week long isolation in the dark, I may give the rest a dark period before harvest aswell.


Well-Known Member
This is to push my update to a page 3, so the page doesn't take so long to load with full size pics if you don't have fast internet.