Perpetual flowering for limtless supply


Active Member
My ultimate goal is to never run out of bud. Ever. With that in mind I am planning to upgrade my current setup but not sure what I'm doing. Hoping I can get some advice and basic questions answered. Here's what I got now:

2 plants recently harvested; they have been re-vegged and flowered 3X now in a scrog and the roots are getting awful ropey- they gotta go, but I love these strains (pineapple ex & cotton candy) so I kept the best 2 for making clones; hoping a few of these will eventually be the new mothers...left just a few small branches on each to try & veg out and clone in 24 hrs light. Changed out nutes... they are vegging

4 autos I had laying around just popped- will be ready for the veg tent in a couple weeks

Now I have read autos cannot be this correct? I know nothing of autos but I ordered northern lights blue autos because they were on special and didn't realize what I was getting. Any way these 3 and a diesel freebie auto are rooting on the seed mat and will replace the plants in the veg tent after they get cloned. I just want to get rid of them and the clones will take a while to get going plus I need time to build areocloner tubs.

I have one tent with a 400w mh/hps and a small custom double grow box full of cfls..its big enough for a few mothers and a gaggle of clones. Its never been used by me. Up to this point my tent is all I've been using because I have been vegging and flowering out the same 4 plants in a scrog which is not efficient; I keep running out of bud in between harvests so I want to upgrade. Its only to keep the wife and I medicated after working all not need to grow a pound a month just maybe a few zips would do.

I have been using a single res dwc because I am lazy and its so simple-but this is not a way to build an efficient perpetual grow. I thought about a recirculating dwc which would work easily with much of my existing equipment but the amount of water I would use is astounding...the water I need now is kind of ridiculous and such a pain for my situation its not worth it. I am thinking about a system sort of like Stinkbud's aeroponic setup but my small grow cabinets lack the height to fit a spray system like SBs plan's call for. I do have space for another small tent if I absolutely had to but really trying to do this on the diy cheap. I love the speed of hydropnics and do not want to go back to soil growing except to keep mothers alive and happy in the cabs.

Can I root out & veg clones in a small dwc then transfer them to an aero system to flower? is it possible to build an aerosprayer system for a compact space? or are there other options besides going back to soil? would eb & flow be feasible? Of course the new moms will be in either soil or coco...have not decided which yet. Has anyone out there converted to a perpetual flowering type of setup and if so how did you do it?


Well-Known Member
k i aint read any of what u wrote but u should rewrite but shorten it... maybe dats why no one else is replyin


Well-Known Member
wait... if your trying to clone autos it is impossible because autos flower according to their maturity and not lighting so all the cuttings will flower at the same time... sorry for the other post :(


Well-Known Member
hey there midnight- our basics goals are the same but were getting there differently. i do 1 grow a year. veg 8-10 female plants in individual 5 gallon buckets under 1k hid to a height of 20-25". supercrop the plants into a scrog type even canopy. flower the best 6-7. usually yield 4-6 z's per plant. which is more than enough for me and even some left over for birthday and christmas presents for the year and i'm not having to mess with plants and smells 12 month a year. its also more economical to use the heat from the lights in winter rather than having to spend extra to cool things down in summer


Well-Known Member
Perpetual grows are easier in dirt than in hydro, usually. Exception is when you have just one strain going. But I recommend not relying on a single strain for a perpetual grow. What you have to emphasize is timing. That means growing strains where you how long they take to flower. Because a perpetual grow has to be choreographed to be efficient. For example - you need 4 times as much space for flowering as you need for vegging. I'm set up to harvest 2 plants a week in a perpetual grow. If I have 2 plants being harvested today I better have 2 in the veg room ready to go to flower. Then once I pull 2 from the veg room to flower I then have 2 spaces empty in my veg room. See what I mean about timing? If you don't know your flower times you can't make all the back-up arrangements you have to have ready to go. So, I have 3 domes in one closet, a 4 x 5 foot space in another closet acts as a veg roomand a dedicated 8 x 8 foot room in which to flower. My indicas finish mostly at 6-7 weeks as I harvest 2 a week. That's the kind of room you will need to cut down 2 a week. You have to have 2 sets of lights going at the same time to have any kind of perpetual grow going. PM me if you have any specific in-dirt questions. BigSteve.


Active Member
hey there midnight- our basics goals are the same but were getting there differently. i do 1 grow a year. veg 8-10 female plants in individual 5 gallon buckets under 1k hid to a height of 20-25". supercrop the plants into a scrog type even canopy. flower the best 6-7. usually yield 4-6 z's per plant. which is more than enough for me and even some left over for birthday and christmas presents for the year and i'm not having to mess with plants and smells 12 month a year. its also more economical to use the heat from the lights in winter rather than having to spend extra to cool things down in summer
yeah don't have the room to do that long a veg or the patience... Want to set up a grow to produce 4-6 oz every 9 weeks or so thanks for your input


Active Member
Perpetual grows are easier in dirt than in hydro, usually. Exception is when you have just one strain going. But I recommend not relying on a single strain for a perpetual grow. What you have to emphasize is timing. That means growing strains where you how long they take to flower. Because a perpetual grow has to be choreographed to be efficient. For example - you need 4 times as much space for flowering as you need for vegging. I'm set up to harvest 2 plants a week in a perpetual grow. If I have 2 plants being harvested today I better have 2 in the veg room ready to go to flower. Then once I pull 2 from the veg room to flower I then have 2 spaces empty in my veg room. See what I mean about timing? If you don't know your flower times you can't make all the back-up arrangements you have to have ready to go. So, I have 3 domes in one closet, a 4 x 5 foot space in another closet acts as a veg roomand a dedicated 8 x 8 foot room in which to flower. My indicas finish mostly at 6-7 weeks as I harvest 2 a week. That's the kind of room you will need to cut down 2 a week. You have to have 2 sets of lights going at the same time to have any kind of perpetual grow going. PM me if you have any specific in-dirt questions. BigSteve.
Thanks bigsteve... I understand the whole timing issue which is why I'm kind of perplexed... Thinking about building a mini aerosprayer system but it might be easier just to go back to growing in dirt again