perpetual growing cycle?

ok so im reaaaally confused to what a perpetual cycle is ive done a bit of reading and people are saying they harvest every week, how is this possible if it takes 8 weeks for buds to mature or do they mean every week after the 8 weeks they have new plants harvesting if so then what is the point in that when they can just grow them all at the same time? any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Lets pretend you got 2 600w lights, you already got enough plants done vegging to where its flowering time and then you start their 12/12 cycle, the other 600w light now is either unused or vegging plants and not flowering, after a few weeks like lets say 4, your first light that has flowering plantsmis now showing bud and is only another 4 weeks to be done, at this point you would start your second 600w light plants 12/12 making those plants 4 weeks behind your 1st loght, now another 4 weeks later your first light is ready to be harvested, now at this point your harvesting while your second light is now 4 weeks from being harvested.

This is the idea of perpetual growing and some people will do perpetual grows with 1 light and putting a new plant under the light and they have like 5 plants at different flowering times.
Lets pretend you got 2 600w lights, you already got enough plants done vegging to where its flowering time and then you start their 12/12 cycle, the other 600w light now is either unused or vegging plants and not flowering, after a few weeks like lets say 4, your first light that has flowering plantsmis now showing bud and is only another 4 weeks to be done, at this point you would start your second 600w light plants 12/12 making those plants 4 weeks behind your 1st loght, now another 4 weeks later your first light is ready to be harvested, now at this point your harvesting while your second light is now 4 weeks from being harvested.

This is the idea of perpetual growing and some people will do perpetual grows with 1 light and putting a new plant under the light and they have like 5 plants at different flowering times.
could you just add plants to the same flowering room then? ive also read that people add clones to the flowering room is that possible and if so what size pot would be suitable for them?


Active Member
you can just add them, if only 1 strain and 8 week strain add a plant every 4 weeks or sumthing.


Well-Known Member
For the OP.
Simply stated, it's like a production line. You start with one (or more) plant (or plants). Every week you add one (or more) new ones to the "line". It is mandatory to keep track of each plants' "place in line" After 4 weeks (or whatever) of vegging, you move the first plant (or plants) into flower mode. From this point on; each week you will add one (or more) new plants into veg - as well as transfering one (or more) plants into flowering mode. So, in effect, each plant (or batch of plants) moves up "one place in line" each week.

So after about 12-15 weeks, or so, the oldest plant (or plants) should be ready to harvest. When you harvest the oldest batch, you put a new batch in the other end - and just keep doing that every week.

That's how it works! You have 12-15 (or so) single plants (or batches of plants) in "graduated" stages of developement - ranging from the smallest babies up to the ones that are ready to harvest. Each week you move them all up one space in line and that's what we call a "Perpetual Harvest".
For the OP.
Simply stated, it's like a production line. You start with one (or more) plant (or plants). Every week you add one (or more) new ones to the "line". It is mandatory to keep track of each plants' "place in line" After 4 weeks (or whatever) of vegging, you move the first plant (or plants) into flower mode. From this point on; each week you will add one (or more) new plants into veg - as well as transfering one (or more) plants into flowering mode. So, in effect, each plant (or batch of plants) moves up "one place in line" each week.

So after about 12-15 weeks, or so, the oldest plant (or plants) should be ready to harvest. When you harvest the oldest batch, you put a new batch in the other end - and just keep doing that every week.

That's how it works! You have 12-15 (or so) single plants (or batches of plants) in "graduated" stages of developement - ranging from the smallest babies up to the ones that are ready to harvest. Each week you move them all up one space in line and that's what we call a "Perpetual Harvest".
good info there mate thanks!