perpetual growing


So I'm just getting ready for my first grow and I'd like to do cloning so I don't need to keep buying seeds and risking them getting confiscated. From my understanding, as the plants only need a month of veg and two of flower my clones are going to be ready to flower about a month before the first ones are ready to harvest.

I think ideally I should have 3 cabinets with one as a veg and the other two flower so I could alternate harvests between them and move the veg plants into the empty one. But the issue is I only have the space for two cabinets right now and I don't really want to leave the clones in veg for two months wasting all the extra time, electricity, and nutes on them.

So is there any easy way to do a perpetual harvest with two cabinets or do I need to have a third?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So I'm just getting ready for my first grow and I'd like to do cloning so I don't need to keep buying seeds and risking them getting confiscated. From my understanding, as the plants only need a month of veg and two of flower my clones are going to be ready to flower about a month before the first ones are ready to harvest.

I think ideally I should have 3 cabinets with one as a veg and the other two flower so I could alternate harvests between them and move the veg plants into the empty one. But the issue is I only have the space for two cabinets right now and I don't really want to leave the clones in veg for two months wasting all the extra time, electricity, and nutes on them.

So is there any easy way to do a perpetual harvest with two cabinets or do I need to have a third?
For your first grow you need to grow a couple plants from seed to finish. Then try cloning and other complexities. Right now you are looking at to many variables. Just start with one set up and get your seed to finish.

If you are going to try cloning during your initial grow do it just as you switch your first plants to flower when you are normally cleaning them up for flower (light penetration, encouraging main colas and reducing larf etc...). That will give you 6-8 weeks of working with the plant basics.

You have decisions about all the basics and you can only learn by experience. Leave the perpetual harvest evolve naturally btw I stopped my perpetual because I got sick of facing chopping/trimming every 2 weeks.

Best of luck with your grow and in the beginning do it as simple as possible and learn the basic plant husbandry.


Well-Known Member
Start by growing a big motherplant/bush = nearly unlimited clones.
Like my bush scares me. Some days I think about flipping it to see how many tips are on there.
I think there is a bunch of thrips living in there by now.

I should probably come up with a plan. I'm thinking of using something systemic, after taking the next set of cuttings. I can clean those up easy by now.

I think I need to look at that tray seriously, tomorrow. It is pretty convenient, I can carry it out and work in the sun, where you see everything. It needs old leaves removed and at least a 2' haircut.

I have one veg room, and one flower... veg room is for the moms, and it holds the buckets I use to strike roots. I can put 45 clones in a square foot on a bucket.AS soon as they are rooted they are transferred to Rockwool , staying under 18/6 for another 3 to 5 days till roots pop through the large rockwool cubes. Then flip them. after 1 week start the next clones. Until; you run out of space.
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Well-Known Member
Curious hit on some really important points. Jumping straight into a perpetual grow as a first grow would be tough, but if you take your time, and start from the beginning you can totally work in that direction if you know thats where you wanna go. Remember to K.I.S.S. as your learning things. More is not always better.

You can do a perpetual with 2 grow spaces by adding less plants to flower at once, and then adding more when your next batch of clones is ready.

This is basically what I do. I have a 4x4 flood table I flower on. I cycle batches of plants into it about every 2-3 weeks as the clones are ready and I harvest older plants. So at any given time there is likely 3-4 cycles of clones flowering at once, all at different stages of growth.

Perpetual is definitely easier to do with space, but you could scale it down, and do a couple plants at a time.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Start by growing a big motherplant/bush = nearly unlimited clones.
Like my bush scares me. Some days I think about flipping it to see how many tips are on there.
I think there is a bunch of thrips living in there by now.

I should probably come up with a plan. I'm thinking of using something systemic, after taking the next set of cuttings. I can clean those up easy by now.

I think I need to look at that tray seriously, tomorrow. It is pretty convenient, I can carry it out and work in the sun, where you see everything. It needs old leaves removed and at least a 2' haircut.

I have one veg room, and one flower... veg room is for the moms, and it holds the buckets I use to strike roots. I can put 45 clones in a square foot on a bucket.AS soon as they are rooted they are transferred to Rockwool , staying under 18/6 for another 3 to 5 days till roots pop through the large rockwool cubes. Then flip them. after 1 week start the next clones. Until; you run out of space.
Where you live lions could be living there.

What C2G said. Read that about 10 times and let it sink in.
I always read your name as CamoCat :)


Well-Known Member
If you had a clone or germinated seed and want to take the step of producing a line of clones you can replicate, then give yourself about 5 months till you are producing.


Thanks for all the quick replies! I do realize it's sort of an ambitious goal for a first grow, but I do have some experience growing other plants and I'd guess around 400+ hours of reading up on it over the last two years. Which I get isn't as good as first hand experience but I feel I've got a pretty good understanding of the basics. I just really would like to avoid buying more of the same genetics and risking them getting confiscated.

I can't believe that for some reason it didn't occur to me to have a mother plant. I do have a space I could keep one. I had originally just been planning to keep taking clones of clones and guess I just wasn't thinking about it.

I'd eventually like to make my own feminized seeds but I haven't done very much research on that yet.


Well-Known Member
Shit, I'm not going there. You call anybody any animal over here, and you might as well paint a swastika on your chest and perform a salute to the Reich. You'd not live it down for 10minutes.


Well-Known Member
You can run a perpetual set up in many ways. With only 2 cabinets you might be better flip flopping the cabs rather than having one dedicated to flower and one veg.
Clones you can keep in a very small space with minimal lighting , a 20w cfl will root them but leave them almost dormant waiting for a time when your ready to repot and veg them out.

A lot depends on your goals and space limitations as to what might work best for you.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Thanks for all the quick replies! I do realize it's sort of an ambitious goal for a first grow, but I do have some experience growing other plants and I'd guess around 400+ hours of reading up on it over the last two years. Which I get isn't as good as first hand experience but I feel I've got a pretty good understanding of the basics. I just really would like to avoid buying more of the same genetics and risking them getting confiscated.

I can't believe that for some reason it didn't occur to me to have a mother plant. I do have a space I could keep one. I had originally just been planning to keep taking clones of clones and guess I just wasn't thinking about it.

I'd eventually like to make my own feminized seeds but I haven't done very much research on that yet.
Hey it's your money and your life go for it. That was something I learned in science, the devil is in the details, reading about something and generalizing from something to something else often had unforeseen pitfalls. But hey the worst that will happen is you will waste a little time, money and seed.

For femming I use a mix of AgNO3 and Silver Thiosulfate, 50 PPM pure colloidal silver is easier to source and use, you can purchase via Amazon but you will occasionally find a hermaphroditic resistant strain.
Good luck on your grow, I promise no matter what you choose to do you will be better prepared for the next time.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Shit, I'm not going there. You call anybody any animal over here, and you might as well paint a swastika on your chest and perform a salute to the Reich. You'd not live it down for 10minutes.
Cheetahs spelt cheaters :D which would probably still get you in trouble.


Well-Known Member
I think we have a rugby team called cheetas. Sports teams are about the only exceptions.
But I'd recommend you not go with something like the DC monkeys.


Hey it's your money and your life go for it. That was something I learned in science, the devil is in the details, reading about something and generalizing from something to something else often had unforeseen pitfalls. But hey the worst that will happen is you will waste a little time, money and seed.

For femming I use a mix of AgNO3 and Silver Thiosulfate, 50 PPM pure colloidal silver is easier to source and use, you can purchase via Amazon but you will occasionally find a hermaphroditic resistant strain.
Good luck on your grow, I promise no matter what you choose to do you will be better prepared for the next time.
Thanks again for all the advice and I hope my comment about the research I've done didn't come off like I was trying to say I know better. I definitely get that first hand experience is worth more than any research I've done and I definitely take into consideration any advice offered up by you guys who have been doing it for a while. I just thought since I already have enough equipment for a second cabinet and I'll have to trim it before flower anyways I may as well try it. I figure the worst that would happen is the clones don't make it, in which case I'm no worse off than if I hadn't tried cloning except for the wasted power, time, and nutes.