Underground Scientist
Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out if anyone does perpetual grows without duplicating chillers or other gear. What I've started in soil is a 2 plant every 3 weeks cycle. So if I were to do 2 DWC bubble buckets always at different growth stages from the other 4 in flower and 2 in veg and clones rooting. It's probably fool hardy, but if I had a bunch of Rez changes every weekend, and topping off during the week, I could handle it. Maybe I should bite the bullet and scrap the perpetual. That would still leave me with plants in veg and flower. If I have to break down and buy a chiller and build these out RDWC, I still have 2 systems. Could it be done on 1 chiller? Like copper coiled heat exchangers in the buckets? IDK, all ears guys.