Personal Medical Growing Adventure !


Well-Known Member
those "retarded" plants are suffering from interbreeding defects, they are undesirable and its usually best to cull them out, ;)..... Im doing really good, though Im sick..... my wife said that the programming your talking about is easy, but she hasn't completely finished the course on C+ yet. I think she sent the resume, Im not sure.... I gave her your email, I will ask her when she gets home. Well, yeah, thats the harvest Im hoping for, have everything measured except the feeding schedule and amounts aren't down to a T for this, because I will probably use less cuz Im doing a coco hydro grow..... crossing my fingers though, :). Happy... taken it easy... you? looks like you stay pretty busy ;)


Well-Known Member
those "retarded" plants are suffering from interbreeding defects, they are undesirable and its usually best to cull them out, ;)..... Im doing really good, though Im sick..... my wife said that the programming your talking about is easy, but she hasn't completely finished the course on C+ yet. I think she sent the resume, Im not sure.... I gave her your email, I will ask her when she gets home. Well, yeah, thats the harvest Im hoping for, have everything measured except the feeding schedule and amounts aren't down to a T for this, because I will probably use less cuz Im doing a coco hydro grow..... crossing my fingers though, :). Happy... taken it easy... you? looks like you stay pretty busy ;)
Oh yeah ask her if she can do object oriented programming ;)

if she does i love her ! :D but not in the way you do :D :peace::peace::peace::joint::joint::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Hope you get better soon, best thing is a nice cup of tea some chocolate that melts with the hot tea and a nice big spliff...



Well-Known Member
she said sort of... she can, but it hasn't been her focus.... she said she will put together some programs she did and zip them for you, I think one was on a website that she wanted you to see in particular.....??? I grow herb, she fixes me computer, :)


Well-Known Member
she said sort of... she can, but it hasn't been her focus.... she said she will put together some programs she did and zip them for you, I think one was on a website that she wanted you to see in particular.....??? I grow herb, she fixes me computer, :)
haha cool, i never got anything yet :D

but i aint stressing

oh yeah,

Coffee, bongloads/joints/bowls, my medications.... lol.... :P

:D haahaaa nice kit


yo how many plants did you have in that top picture?my walk in closet is about that size and i really dont know how many plants ill be able to fit in there. also i heard that the black light makes thc grow everywhere if you put it on a hour or so a day,is that true?ur the only one ive seen that actually uses a blak light


Well-Known Member
yo how many plants did you have in that top picture?my walk in closet is about that size and i really dont know how many plants ill be able to fit in there. also i heard that the black light makes thc grow everywhere if you put it on a hour or so a day,is that true?ur the only one ive seen that actually uses a blak light
my box is 2 meters long and 1.2 meters high.

I have 36 plants left i killed 4 of em.


Well-Known Member
Here is the weed i cured for about 1 week now, and it just smells great.. this pic was taken 2 days ago hehe, so its all toked up now, even the rest that i had :D

brilliant stuff !

bottom shots :P

Hope she gets a bit bigger :D

this one is nice :D




damn,that sounds great,i was gonna happy with 6-9 plants,i didnt think you could cram em in there like that,what type of light do you use for all those damn plants,its gotta be pretty big to be able to grow 36 plants


Well-Known Member
i flipd my box on its side :D

and that was it.... 15cm pots x 8 = 8x8 = 64 pots would of fit in the growbox if its only 120x120x200cm..

so its not realy that packd


Well-Known Member
just realized...... we eat breakfast when you eat dinner, so I guess I should say good evening, and your response should be good morning! :P


Well-Known Member
Do you think I should add more plants to my indoor space? 25 in table, 10 surrounding on shelves as it is, you can see pics in my journal from update yesterday. There is more space for pots in there.... what do you think? I was thinking add 3 to the table, and another 5 surrounding on an easily removable shelf? Oh yeah..... 1 1000W HPS, room and table/shelf measurements are in my journal. I am going to add 2 4' fluorescent tube lights in the upper 4 corners of the tent (partly for pic taking sessions ;) ). And I will set it up for a perpetual harvest by not flowering the plants in the shelf for two and a half weeks after I start flowering whats in the table. Basically I am going to start flowering whats in the table (not flowering whats on the shelf by moving them outside in the daylight during part of the dark cycle indoors), then starting to flower 5 of whats on the shelves in two and a half week intervals (so the ones on the shelves will be bigger as well with the longer veg times).


Well-Known Member
just finished watching the sun come up........ lol and its my day off......
:) Well i can just start to watch it go down :P


Do you think I should add more plants to my indoor space? 25 in table, 10 surrounding on shelves as it is, you can see pics in my journal from update yesterday. There is more space for pots in there.... what do you think? I was thinking add 3 to the table, and another 5 surrounding on an easily removable shelf? Oh yeah..... 1 1000W HPS, room and table/shelf measurements are in my journal. I am going to add 2 4' fluorescent tube lights in the upper 4 corners of the tent (partly for pic taking sessions ;) ). And I will set it up for a perpetual harvest by not flowering the plants in the shelf for two and a half weeks after I start flowering whats in the table. Basically I am going to start flowering whats in the table (not flowering whats on the shelf by moving them outside in the daylight during part of the dark cycle indoors), then starting to flower 5 of whats on the shelves in two and a half week intervals (so the ones on the shelves will be bigger as well with the longer veg times).
:) sounds like a plan, the more you can fit under 1 light the better.. but realize how much space the plants will take up in flowering... :)

up to you :) My new rule is 36 plants per 600W ...... = over 600g's all the time... if you have a nice yielding strain you can go over 900 ... even 1 kg... all depends..

What do you want to do ?


Well-Known Member
Little update :

:) look at how many buds are bursting out of it :) ahhh

the string snap on this one, so i let her grow the way she wanted... heh

This is what the weed looks like dryd.... :) does it look good or WOT !?

Its fucking crazy stoned... taste is absolute amazing... smoke is very nice. heh


