persy small grow, 150 hps, heat stress !!!HELP!!!


fuck is this horiculture tuff. about 5 weeks into grow right now. first 4 weeks plants were grown with 4 3 foot t12 tubes (cool white, warm white alternating)+ 1 65 watt 6500 k work/floodlight+ 2 42 watt cfls (6500 k). it was a closet grow in a spare room. i picked up some supplies and recently made a 54"x22"x 5 feet high tent just like the one in jorge cervantes ultimate grow. changed the lighting also. took out t12 shoplights and 65 watt floodlight and replaced with a 150 watt hps. every water now gets a tbsp of humega also now.

some questions..... got a major heat problem since hps was put in. not going to put in air conditioning cuz that cost too much power. dont bother, im not doing it. so what am i gonna do?

also.... tips of leaves are dying, leaves edges are raised. this must be heat issue, i mean fuck its 89 degrees in there (yes i know growth stops at nething above 85)

got em in one gallon pots, cuz i didnt want em to get too big but is that the problem also? thinking im gonna go to 3 gallon pots and increase exhaust fan size and it should make shit good again? sound like a plan? :joint::confused: :joint:


Well-Known Member
whats your ambient temp from where your intake comes from? there is ways to cool down your setup without spending tons of cash or going to a/c


awesome inline cooled light. pretty cool to make one yourself, thats the way i like doing it. but i just bought the one i have in there now. trying to do this simply, and there aren't any real grow stores here to get the supplies to build the air cooled light. i was thinking an 18"x18" square fan from walmart to replace the shitty 6" exhaust fan i have. i think if i move enough air out of room it should drop temp significantly.


whats your ambient temp from where your intake comes from? there is ways to cool down your setup without spending tons of going to a/c
Im thinking about 82 degrees F mid day usually. never mentioned i have no intake fan, but i was told if i make a few slits in the wall at the bottom opposite of the exhaust fan above that would be good enough for the small room. do you agree?


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about 82 degrees F mid day usually. never mentioned i have no intake fan, but i was told if i make a few slits in the wall at the bottom opposite of the exhaust fan above that would be good enough for the small room. do you agree?
82 outside? uh ohh not good. You may need a/c or get some excellofizz Co2 pucks for your room, they let off at least 1500 ppm in your small area, you can now raise your temps up to 90 max and the plants will love it, trust me... for a one month supply of these it costs around 120 bux, oh and btw your yield will be 30% larger by doing this too and it helps with smell. You wont need any more intake this way too. You need one per day ~ BCbuddy :leaf:


82 outside? uh ohh not good. You may need a/c or get some excellofizz Co2 pucks for your room, they let off at least 1500 ppm in your small area, you can now raise your temps up to 90 max and the plants will love it, trust me... for a one month supply of these it costs around 120 bux, oh and btw your yield will be 30% larger by doing this too and it helps with smell. You wont need any more intake this way too. You need one per day ~ BCbuddy :leaf:
Sounds like an awesome idea for the next grow. Going to have to pick a bunch up next time im outta town (closest place to get that shit is 8 hours away). Any other ideas? I put in exhaust fan in window near room today, also replaced 6 inch with 20 inch square fan (only cut a hole in the plastic about 10 by 10 inches and duct taped to fan).bongsmilie ohh... also transplanted from 1 gallon to 3 gallon. plants didnt seem root bound in 1 gallons but i dont think they can do there full cycle in something so small. i just hope they dont get over about 4.5 feet tall while im away for a few weeks soon. at least i started flowering when they were only about 2 feet tall. should be alright eh? anyways the leaves are pointing upwards from the heat and shit is still too hot, but well try harder tomorrow i guess.


82 outside? uh ohh not good. ~ BCbuddy :leaf:
how much do need to drop temp of room to get as close as i can to optimal grow temperature? rooms about 88 these days, going to try raising light a bit. hopefully that helps. the leaves drop down and relax at about 82 it seems (checked temp 10 minutes after lights out).
by the way, i got a green 13 watt cfl to be able to have some light if i need to go into the room during lights out. thats the right thing to do eh?
so many questions man. thanks.