Pest deterrant


Well-Known Member
I have an outdoor grow im wanting to do but I'm afraid the place I have chosen will have lots of pests like rabbits and deer about the area....I was thinking that maybe i could use one of those high pitch cat deterrants.....reckon that would work ? any ideas about it im all ears!:joint:


Active Member
hey man, I've had the same problem a couple of times. I used bar soap to rub on nearby trees in the area of the grow, which should take care of most pests, but if you piss near the plants and dump dish detergent around the area I'm just about positive your plants will be safe, unless the pest is a fiend for weed.


Well-Known Member
i have found that the worst pest is ground hogs , ya pretty much have to kill em . for deer i use 5/16" re rod and place them in the ground around your plants letting at least 2 1/2 feet sticking up the biggest problem ive had w/deer is they will lay on the plants this will stop that if they still mess w/the plant wrap fishingline around the area on the re rod put things like deoderant soap chips around like i said deer are easy to deter and i have never had a prob w/rabbits but watch out for ground hogs they will completely strip your plants . good luck hopr this helps!


Well-Known Member
i plan on saving up urine in like 3-4 giant detergant bottles. and spread it around the periminter of your grow site. ummm what else. u could always plant some veggitation befor the perimiter of the grow site to use as a decoy. fishing line could work. they have certian preditor sptrays u can spray on trees and near ur plants to prevent an animal from eating your crop. my aunt has fox urine spray for her tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
U could also try liquid fence , its kinda expensive in the concentrated form but a little goes a long way like 1quart per 5 gallons of water . i live in northern wisconsin and you have to worry about deer and rabbits n little critters like that. i tryed this stuff n it works but is a pain cuz u gotta spray some more after a heavy rain.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
There is a pland called "The Piss Off Plant" (Plectranthus) and cats and dog hate the stuff and wont go near it so it may work for other animals too. You just plant them around the perimeter of your grow area to keep the pests away.


Well-Known Member
cheers for all the replies guys :)
Im thinking of the piss thing and im gonna look into that piss off plant, think is aw jorge cervantes yabbering on abouyt it in one of his DVD's.... although I'm also thinking of making a remote spot on a tree for a polace to hold a pot....needs to be a thick ass, well covered tree....but i dont know whether squirrels are partial to a bit of mary jane :S


Well-Known Member
I go to home depot and buy 2 foot rolls of chicken wire. its light and easy to put up. just zip tie them at the ends and u have a great animal deterrent for at least a month or so