PETA The Discussion


Well-Known Member

Aye, pigs are extremely intelligent creatures. They're more easily trained than dogs. Would you eat something smarter than the family dog.

I still do BTW. Still think they were put here for us to eat.

I agree with a lot of things PETA says, just not how they say it and the actions they take.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member

Aye, pigs are extremely intelligent creatures. They're more easily trained than dogs. Would you eat something smarter than the family dog.

I still do BTW. Still think they were put here for us to eat.

I agree with a lot of things PETA says, just not how they say it and the actions they take.

I'm all for the naked girls with the pamphlets.....tell me morrre.


Well-Known Member
I have eatin some crazy shit that i've killed... Rattlesnake, groundhog, squirrel, deer, frogs, all kinds of fish, rabbits, ducks, turkeys, dove, quail, pheasant, grouse, Even a few things i wont hearts, gizzards, livers, lung, brain. They were all taken from there natural enviroment, killed for food. It doesnt get anymore organic than that... I use every part of the animal that i can, including the bones. I believe if kill an animal to prolong your life, as long as you make a effort to waste little as possible, there is nothing wrong with it. People would have never made it if they didnt kill animals and wear their furs... once again fuck PETA!


Well-Known Member
I have eatin some crazy shit that i've killed... Rattlesnake, groundhog, squirrel, deer, frogs, all kinds of fish, rabbits, ducks, turkeys, dove, quail, pheasant, grouse, Even a few things i wont hearts, gizzards, livers, lung, brain. They were all taken from there natural enviroment, killed for food. It doesnt get anymore organic than that... I use every part of the animal that i can, including the bones. I believe if kill an animal to prolong your life, as long as you make a effort to waste little as possible, there is nothing wrong with it. People would have never made it if they didnt kill animals and wear their furs... once again fuck PETA!
What if they ripped a fox skin off while it was still alive?:fire:

It happens a pretty good bit.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's not right.My dad hunted a lot.He always made sure shit was dead before he started skinning it.Could you imagine how terrible that would be?People can be pretty awful sometimes.:cry:
What if they ripped a fox skin off while it was still alive?:fire:

It happens a pretty good bit.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Even Lions kill their prey.I'm sure they may do that from time to time,start eating before its dead.But the point is,we know for a fact that humans have empathy.Why not use it?Kill them quickly, don't waste the parts.
What if a lion ate a zebra while it was alive? It's a rough and tumble world....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The loin usually kills the zebra pretty quickly.

The fox may lay alive, but skinless, for a long time.


Active Member
Yeah about the lions and zebras... Dude the Lion eats the shit outta that animal. Every spare part is eaten then lesser predators feed on the rest of the body.
It is natural to eat animals... We see it everywhere just turn on your tv and watch national geographic. Is it so hard to think that the eating of animals is justified?
Listen I have all kinds of compassion for animals. Raised my own dog from a puppy and he actually saved my life from a mugger in Orlando.
However that said.
From what I've learned and researched thoroughly about PETA is the fact that the organization disgusts me.
They actively support domestic terrorism specifically the ELF *Earth Liberation Front*
A $70k gift was given to Rodney Coronado... A well documented arsonist
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is disgusting, misguided, and anti-patriotic.

I'll join this PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals


Well-Known Member
I think all animals should be raised in a humane way. One of the problems is that we consume so many animals that they get raised in factory-farms in order to provide for us. I still eat meat and I don't think about it but if I ever get the money to buy organic and free range stuff then I will.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Waste nothing!


    You Kill It, _____________ We Grill It'

    Meet Our Chef! ______________ Squash 'em Jack

  • -ENTREES- You'll Eat Like A Hog Late Night Delight
    Center Line Bovine 4.95 When You Taste Served Fresh Each
    The Chicken 3.95 OUR DOG Night After Dark
    Flat Cat 2.95
    Thumper-on-the-bumper 3.95

    Slab of Lab 2.95 Rack of Raccoon 3.95
    Taste of The Wild Side Pit Bull Pot Pie 1.95 Smear of Deer 4.95
    "Still in The Hide" Cocker Cutlets 3.95 Awesome Possum 1.95
    Shar-Pei Fillet 5.95 Cheap Sheep $ .43
    Chunk of Skunk 1.95 Snippet of
    Smidgen Pigeon 1.95 Whippet 4.50 GUESS
    Road Toad 1.65 Collie Hit By That Mess!
    Snake 'N' Bake A Trolley 3.95 A Daily Special Treat.
    Snake 2.25 German Shepherd
    Swirl Squirrel 1.55 Pie 3.95 If You Can Guess
    Rigor Mortis Round of Hound 4.25 What It Is.....
    Tortoise 6.75 ...You Eat It For,

    --------------------- Side Orders -------------------------

    Bowl of Mole .38 Splat of Cat .45 Square of Hare .68
    Link of Mink 1.07 Spoon of Coon .32 Gizzard of Lizard .98
    Platter of Bladder .48 Squish of Fish .13 Pinch of Finch 1.37
    Broth of Moth .17 Fork of Stork .21 Hurled of Squirrel .96
    Chin of Hen .13

    Side orders by Squash 'em Dan

    --------------------- Some State Menu Items ------------------

    Illinois Texas
    Pavement Possum 9.95 2 - Step Terrier 8.50
    Served on a bun, this Step 1, We hit, Step 2, You eat it.
    beast is awesome.

    Missouri New Mexico
    "Show Me" Shitzu 7.75 Chihuahua Chili 7.95
    A hairy little treat with A Southwest delight that shivers
    fuzzy little feet. when it bites.

    Kansas Arizona
    Curbside Kitty 10.50 "Grand Canyon" Cougar 10.50
    A little bitty, bite size A big mountain cat, that you'll
    kitty. eat till you're fat.

    Oklahoma California
    Airbrake Owl 7.75 Cream - O - Kitty 9.95

    ------------- From The Bar, Your Drink is our Delight! -----------

    Crank Case Slip 1.59 Radiator Green 1.69 Transmission Grind 1.79
    Blended with Road A Blend of Prestone The finest ground fan
    Oil and squirrel, and Zerex with a dash belt rubber, a dash of
    Poured over Ice of Scorpion Venom squished turtle juice,
    or straight up! over crushed ice. blended with the finniest
    tranie fluid. This comes
    straight up.

    The Bucket Delight 3.95 Green Spin for the Kids .69
    We Prairie everything that Only the best fogs in the blender
    is left over from the night will do here! Mixed with a few
    before, with just a touch road Toads to give it that great
    of gravel mixed in! poured taste! Served over ice, 18oz. class.
    over a 1 gallon bucket of
    ice. You finnish this and
    it is on the house!

    Note: All ingredients are sucked right up from your favorite Highway to you!

    You Bar Tender is Blind Bob

    ------------------------ Cowboy Menu ---------------------
    "Cowboy cooking It ain't bad looking"

    Deerly Departed Off - Road Delights

    No-Luck Buck 4.95 High Speed Special 2.95
    Just can't duck a truck. What's that, a cat?!

    Big Bagged Stag 5.95 Bad-Brake Steaks 1.95
    Don't gag on your stag. Some possum, some snakes.

    Too-slow Doe 4.95 One-Eyed Dog 3.25
    Had one lane to go. Hit in the fog - Found on a log.

    Long Gone Fawn 3.50 Off the Roof Hoof 1.85
    Found dead on your lawn. Tried jumping but goofed.

    No Fear Deer 6.75 Gunk of Skunk 4.25
    Just had a bad year. Sun-ripened and shrunk.

    Roadside Remnants .15 Varmint Vittles 1.95
    Deathers and leathers - Guts galore, you'll want more.
    Stand back in hot weather.

    It's A Kitty 2.70
    Rodeo Rejects What a pity -- looks real bad
    and kind a, um...flat.

    Buckaroo Quarter Horse Highway Hash 1.25
    with fried Onions, Starts with a crash.
    of Course 3.55
    Caddie "Grilled" Patty 1.50
    7 - Course Swayback Horse 6.95 Some poor little critter just
    1 big steamin' plate went kersplatty.
    with a 6 pack.

    Beer - Basted Steer Summer time Treats
    Hit from the rear 3.60 It's Some Kinda Meat.

    Horse Hocks - Sidewinder Stew -
    the Other Red Meat 4.95 bronco buster
    then dusted with musted 4.55

    Weakly Special Last - Year's Steer -
    it tastes a mite queer,
    dried in the hide,
    Mangled Mule Cruel 2.80 not boiled or fried 3.80
    You'll drool like a fool.

    Meal - In - A - Bag

    Don't gag on yer nag....
    Our cookin's so good, we
    just had to bag!

    Roadkill Cookbook

    RoadKill Basic Recipe
    Rules of The RoadKill

    1. Freshness is always the rule
    (if it's still there on your way home, it's too late).
    2. Semi-squashed is much better than squashed; anything
    clobbered by an 18-wheeler is absolutely undesirable.
    3. Blacktop surfaces are much preferred over dirt
    roads; concrete is a gourmet's delight.
    4. Remember the early bird catches the....ah, worm!

    Road Chicken
  • One, 4 lb. (your Favorite RoadKill) (boned and cubed)
  • One, large onion
  • Two cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 tbs. Chile powder
  • 1 can beer
  • 2 beef bullion cubes
    Saute RoadKill until tender. Add onion,
    cook until onion is translucent. Add the rest
    of the seasonings, mix well and add beer
    and bullion cubes. Cook 10 - 12 minutes
    on medium heat.

    Cockatoo Stew
    Equipment needed:
    A large billy (a large saucepan will do)

    o Water (couple of litres/quarts)
    o One medium to large cockatoo
    o One large boot
    o Salt and pepper to taste

    Place the water, boot and cockatoo into the billy and bring to boil.
    Simmer for 10 to 12 hours.

    When the Boot is soft, throw the cockatoo away Eat the boot.
    Serves 2

    Thanks Toni for Serving This Great Dish!

    Louisiana Favorites

    Radiator Gator
    Fresh alligator steak, tenderized and steamed to perfection. 89 Cents

    Armadillo Rolls
    "Seasoned" armadillo remnant cuts, rolled in Interstate 10 road salt,
    and marinated in the Best Atchafalaya Basin swamp water for that spicy pickled taste. $1.23

    Courtesy of,
    Deacon Blues

    Dead Donkey stew made just for you,
    at 3.20 a bowl, might make your stomach roll.

    CATering services. Flat Cat with special house mouse sauce.
    Carrion services. Lab on a slab flambe accompanied by squash (of bug).
    Rest Area special: Blizzard of buzzard.
    The Catering service and Carrion service are provided by:
    Cathy W.

    Our breakfast Plate.
    Flap Jack Rabbits - All you can eat - $2.87
    Thanks Emily for Serving This Dish!

    Jammie's Side Dish Delight! $0.39
    Mashed Mouse, Creamed or Chunk.
    Thanks Jammie for Serving This Dish!

    Viv's Australian Delight! $1.38
    Good on a very HOT Night!
    Blue Roo (with our gravel) followed by Choc Croc
    that has been aged in a stagnant billabong

    For those that don't understand!
    Kangaroo cooked on the hot Road Way Down Under!

    Great Dinner Special, Thanks Viv!

    More Australian Recipes

    Try our new recipes, Steve's favourites!

    Cajun koala, stewed in eucalypt oil and with a fresh taste of dunlops
    and gravel. Goanna goulash, are they flies or raisins?
    Dingo dessert, the ayers rock special, pete

    A must try! Thanks Peter D. !

    RoadKill Cafe's Special of The Day! $1.69
    Monday: --- The Monday Mixer:
    Everything scraped up from the weekend.

    Tuesday: --- Poodles and Noodles:
    Served with road toad ala mode.

    Wednesday: --- Flat Cat Cakes:
    Served single or stacked.

    Thursday: -- Pit Bull Pot Pie:
    Served with peas and carrots.

    Friday: -- Dead Deer Delight:
    Served with gravel and hood ornaments.

    Saturday: -- Cheep Sheep Night:
    Served with raccoon or possum pie.

    Sunday: --- Our Buffet Served Right along the Road:
    Features the very best from our highways.

    Specials served BY - ERIC E.

    A Good Soup to Start off your meal
    Bad Brenna's Black Bean Soup

    One breast of Buzzard - With or with out Feathers .... $10.00.
    Slab of Lab .... $7.50 per pound. Thanks for the Specials Sandy!

    Poodles and Noodles ... $1.25. Great Dinner Special, Thanks Lisa!

    For a less Flat Lunch, Try this LUNCH Special!

    Rats in a Rug served with Bee's and Bugs - YUM !! $1.68

    Thanks to Candance, for this JUICY Lunch Special!

    WE Have a few Canadian Specialties which might interest you!
    Prairie Dog Pate with Recycled Raven Sauce. $1.29
    Elk Flambe. $1.02 (Note: Flambe is created by a semi on the Trans-Canada Highway.)
    Earthworm Shortcake. $.15
    Great Danishes are another "DOG" treat. $.75
    We have removed Hitchhiker Burgers, because of the Canadian Human Rights
    Commission, Please don't ask for this item!

    Thanks to Patricia, for this JUICY Canadian Special!

    Roger's Thursday Night Special!
    Narrow Sparrows are only $0.55, or 10 for $4.00.

    Paul's Desert!
    Snake Bake Cake with lemon Venom Icing....A real Upscale Treat! $1.70
