Haha. You have proved your unworthiness to this forum. Now please go run along with scissors and play in the street little boy. But yea, I troll, I do it well. And any thread you make I will troll. I will divert the subject matter so quickly, you wont recognize the original conversation within the first 2 pages. I will troll you all day long little boy, because that's what I do.
But if you would like to play nice, and get your panties from between your ass cheeks, you may learn a thing or two around here.
Thanks man, no worries, I can handle it. Trolling and attacking don't bother me. I've made threads which were trolled, and I don't go crying. It's the nature of the beast. Eventually, if you are a cool person, people, even trolls will begin to recognize it, and be chill with you. I think many of us can relate.
Everyone needs to get themselves over to Malt Lickey, eat a Bartel Dew taco, and look at it. I mean just look at it.