pets and weed


Well-Known Member
THC even in mass amounts has no adverse effects on the well being of any living being on earth. However, if your dog eats a ton of canna(insert food here) with CHOCOLATE in it, oh yes your dog has a good chance of getting sick. However there is NO, i repeat NO adverse effects of THC on any living being.

Nothing will die.
Yeah, when they tried to kill lab rats with cannabis they COULDN'T DO IT.

It's not POSSIBLE to OD on THC.
In fact, our bodies have natural cannabinoid receptors in our lungs and brains... Our bodies were made to absorb cannabis!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
one thing i also forgot to mention is that your dog/cat is MUCH more receptable to a food allergy. Much more so than humans, so its NOT just chocolate that could make your pet sick, it could be a myriad of things.
not THC however lol


Well-Known Member
one thing i also forgot to mention is that your dog/cat is MUCH more receptable to a food allergy. Much more so than humans, so its NOT just chocolate that could make your pet sick, it could be a myriad of things.
not THC however lol
Yeah, especially if it's human food. lol

Man, reading some of these stories about ppl getting their pets high makes me wish I could smoke my cat up so badly... Too bad my cat lives with my parents, which is where I live while I'm not at the university... :P



Well-Known Member
yea my dog lives with my parents. lucky for him i get to come home all next week and he gets to get high. lucky for me i get to chill hi with my dog.


Well-Known Member
go outside. or wait till they leave or do both. my parents know i smoke but dont kno i do it in the house. and sad news. my parents gave my dog away 2 days b4 i got home. lame


Active Member
About 3 yrs ago, my sister asked me to house sit for a few days. She has 3 lil poms, sweet lil ankle biters...anyhooo I was pretty stoked that night I scored a sweet sack with it being dry all over. I had just made myself comfortable on the deck outside, the dogs were on deck with me. Picture this......................................Phone rings, so I go inside to answer it... was we talked a few minutes. After I hung up, I went back out on the deck to commence "operation Stoked"....I sat down in the chair, went to grab bag and it wasnt there on the table. Man I get up.....Look all over, checked inside, retraced my steps.... Didn't even bother to think about the lil poms. Looked on the deck and way in the corner I see a little circle of furballs. So I go over to see what was up, OMFG..... right there in the middle of the furballs was a chewed up bag of plastic and remnants of a what was once A nice evening!!! I chased the dogs away and the mothers ATE most of it. I didn't even have a salvagable bowl :wall:
I took the furballs inside, now these are poms that dont weigh more than 9 pounds each. I inspected each stoned pup, the male had chewed bud all over his muzzle. The other two didn't look like they even touched it. I went upstairs for a couple of minutes and came back down. ALL three furballs were laid out on the couch, on their backs, legs in air, passed out. Told them.... "Ahuh eat my smoke again" Hyper dogs turned to stoned dogs. The male went to jump off the couch... guess he misjudge his jump and jumped face planted himself into the coffee table. I laughed my ass off. I might have been bummed about them eating my smoke but I loved watchin my sisters dogs trip out for a couple of hours. Man must of been some good smoke too. Never told my sister to this day about that.... she call popo on me for animal abuse LOL not..........

I've been smoking for about 25 years and always had dogs..... all my dogs have loved smoke. When they see me and my hubby go downstairs, we have a pack of dogs running down the steps first. Never had a problem before ie sick or near death passed out.... but always had large breeds, dobermans, german shepherds and labs. So maybe different with the size & breed of the dog.

Anyways I rambled long enough during my wake & bake session

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
My cat once got onto a carrier bag full of trimmings off a white widow, I found it with it's head in the bag a trichomeless leaves strewn all over the floor. It must of been licking all the THC off the leaves. I think weed might be related to catnip or something, I couldn't tell if it was high because it just ate a load of food and went to sleep like it usually does, lazy bitch.