

Well-Known Member
bearded dragons are the best i have one named mr. hat we throw like 200 crickets in his tank, smoke a blunt and watch him go to town its crazy he'll eat them all in like 2 days and then shit some turds that would choke a donkey lol. i also have 3 cats, a rooster, a chicken, a yorkie, and two guinea pigs too many animals!!!!

hahahah shit that would choke a donkey hahahahahaha


Master of Mayhem
We live in the woods. Now We put out two quarts of dried corn daily, and two quarts of dry dog food in our back yard everyday, and we have several families of deer, two different families of foxes and raccoons and possums by the dozens EVERYNIGHT. AND THEY ALL GET ALONG WITH EACH OTHER. The foxes, raccoons and possums will eat together, side by side. We also have a few armadillos too but they dont eat the corn or dogfood. They dig up my sodded yard hunting grub worms. They are big pests but we tolerate them.
I used to do this when I was growing up. I built like 4 feeder boxes and put them out back. My dad worked for Tom's potato chips at the time and we got to keep ALOT of potato chips, pastry, etc... We would fill all the feeder boxes with stale chips and feed the wildlife.


Well-Known Member
We throw all of our old bread, and the fruit that falls from our fruit trees over our fence for the deer and whatever else comes along. We have two bucks, five does and seven fawns this year. Also have to keep their water bucket and salt lick lick clean.

Damn they eat a lot. Good thing we have lots of apple trees.


Elite Rolling Society
Jesus3, is Margo a house pet? does she use a litter box? When I was a child, we had a house rabbit and he shared a sand box with the cat!
My wife is a dietician at a hospital, and she brings home leftover meat everynight. We are both vegetarians so the foxes and racoons and possums get the left over meat.


Well-Known Member
yes margo is a house pet she all day long jumping around my living area and balcony but in evening she go to her living box to sleep at night.

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
This my freeloader friend Percy. He's a little sad because his mommy is in NOLA.
She left about two months ago to volunterr for Habitat for Humanity.
She was planiing to stay through June, till it got too hot, but I haven't heard from her for a little while.
She's helping to build homes during the day and waitress at night.
She has a little more energy than me so I figured the least I could do was keep the big guy.
I hadn't't kept a pet for quite a few years. I was worried because I forget to feed myself sometimes, but he won't let me forget him:mrgreen:


dr greenthumb

Active Member
I have 2 lizards and a cat.

I did have a solid white pit bull but we had him put down.....:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

And Erniedytn what size is your fish tank......I had a 35 gallon tank with african chichlids in it.....Gave it away because I was moving.
mann sry 2 hear that i love pitbulls to death my dealer has 1


Well-Known Member
my mum likes animals and she breads dogs, i have 6 northern inuits and a puppy on the way, and 3 cats in my house. my mum has also got a horse. i dont like all the animals i think it makes the house look dirty

dr greenthumb

Active Member
You think that's a zoo?

I have 2 bearded dragons, bob and marley.


I also have 2 dogs:

Staffordshire bullterrier X pitbull (Male):

Staffordshire bullterrier (Female puppy):

Video of both dogs playing:
Video of AJ and Casey - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I also have an iguana, a terrapin turtle, 4 birds, 4 cats, 1 chinchilla, 1 chameleon, 1 baby turantula, 1 frog and 1 of my brothers has a few ferrets.

So yeah, quite a few pets. ^_^
omg where did u get them there soo cute i want 1 can u only get them in the states?????


New Member
i know rabbit stew is tasty, but my rabbit ismy home pet.:twisted: :mrgreen:
Oh, come on. A pet? Rabbits are dirty creatures. They shit everywhere, and if you get a male they hump anything in sight. I'd rather kill and eat a rabbit than cut it's balls off.