PH 6.2 or 6.9 ?

Hey guys. I live in a country where they don't sell digital ph testers!! I know it sucks. I will order it later. So I'm using 2 kinds of mineral water for my plants.
First bottle ph is 6.2
The other bottle ph is 6.9.
So I'm confused which one is the best for seedling and veg stages?

I have attached the pics of the bottles , please check out the mineral for each bottle , help me guys to choose the best bottle for each stage.



Ugg boot

6.2 bro.
Buy yourself a good quality pH and EC meter and the calibrating solutions to suit both.
I recommend Hanna instruments. Mine stay calibrated for months.
Always store your pH meter in the 4.0pH solution, I keep a small vial of 4.0 solution for storage so as not to contaminate the entire bottle.