Ph Adjusting Outdoor Water?


Well-Known Member
I use pond water for my plants in my outdoor. this year i am bringing in pro mix should i ph adjust the water? or will lime solve this? plan on using a slow release like foxfarm american pride and some using a cheap jacks or something too sdee what i like better for my conditions and with the pro mix.
If you plan on mixing your fert additives before planting you can go with granular dolomite lime. It's slower to release and adjust ph which is fine if you premix your grow medium at least 2 weeks before planting. If you plan on doing everything (including planting) all at once then it's better to go with quick lime or a powdered dolomite for immediate ph buffering. I personally have switched from promix to 5kg coco bricks to eliminate hauling heavy bales in to my patch and coco is ph neutral right out of the package. I still use lime to prevent fluctuations over time but it reduces the need for ph-ing while planting and allows time for the lime to break down and become active


Well-Known Member
Have you tested the soil and water?.

It may be unnecessary to add lime as many parts of the US have quite a bit present in native soil.

If you're anywhere near a river basin, good bet you don't need lime. Just the opposite in fact, I've had to lower ph in my area using peat.

Plus Promix already has lime.


Well-Known Member
i always use promix and use good swamp water with no problem at all in maine .also i never add anything to promix except what i give them when i feed them ( seaweed extract and earth juice) iv'e seen alot of people that add ferts to the promix and after a heavy rain they get burned plants and are screwed for the season . i tend my plants every couple days so they never dry out and if it rains hard i don't worry about it at all . its my method of madness but works for me lol..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use the swamp water for moms in summer months and I run the budders in spring and fall up until it freezes then I use deep well water for the winter months. I use Dolomite lime to balance both sources.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If the water is coming in at 6.5ph or lower don't use dolomite lime. The water sources available to me are between 7-8ph.


Well-Known Member
i always use promix and use good swamp water with no problem at all in maine .also i never add anything to promix except what i give them when i feed them ( seaweed extract and earth juice) iv'e seen alot of people that add ferts to the promix and after a heavy rain they get burned plants and are screwed for the season . i tend my plants every couple days so they never dry out and if it rains hard i don't worry about it at all . its my method of madness but works for me lol..
do you use all the earth juices like bloom and veg? do you feed everytime?


Well-Known Member
If the water is coming in at 6.5ph or lower don't use dolomite lime. The water sources available to me are between 7-8ph.
i plan on testing the ph of the pond water this year. havent in years passed but i thought it could hurt too see what people are doing


Well-Known Member
do you use all the earth juices like bloom and veg? do you feed everytime?

i used the grow and bloom with seaweed extract every 2-3 weeks which is like every 3-4th watering like water,water ,water , nutes water, water, water , nutes and so on right thru the whole season just adjust to what the rain is doing and that comes with experience
so at times it is nutes everytime if we get alot of rain all depends on mother nature lol.... and she's a bitch alot here in the maine climate not like ca. where ya can set a watch to the weather hope i didn't confuse ya too much haha


Well-Known Member

i used the grow and bloom with seaweed extract every 2-3 weeks which is like every 3-4th watering like water,water ,water , nutes water, water, water , nutes and so on right thru the whole season just adjust to what the rain is doing and that comes with experience
so at times it is nutes everytime if we get alot of rain all depends on mother nature lol.... and she's a bitch alot here in the maine climate not like ca. where ya can set a watch to the weather hope i didn't confuse ya too much haha
no not confused at all. im actually in ny so the weather isnt as much of a bitch as yours but we still get shit on sometimes. I Plan on pretty much going your route since i can get all of the itmes you list and use about the same stuff. plan on ordering some grizzly seeds from kooteny witch you suggested. since i need a late sept harvest at the lates. if its not done its cut anyway. hard too find the other strains you have mention. when do we get the getaway special lol


Well-Known Member

i used the grow and bloom with seaweed extract every 2-3 weeks which is like every 3-4th watering like water,water ,water , nutes water, water, water , nutes and so on right thru the whole season just adjust to what the rain is doing and that comes with experience
so at times it is nutes everytime if we get alot of rain all depends on mother nature lol.... and she's a bitch alot here in the maine climate not like ca. where ya can set a watch to the weather hope i didn't confuse ya too much haha
also whats ur ration on the nutes/gallon


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that water ph wasn't that big of a deal, if your growing medium was already right. It might change your grow medium ph over time, but I would think it would take a lot more than a season's worth of water.
@smidge... Ph plays a huge role in outdoor plant quality and growth rate. If using organic amendments your ph can fluctuate quite a bit as various ferts break down and become available to your plants. For example as your blood meal breaks down it may send your ph in one ddirection as it's being used up by your plants and bone meal may make it fluctuate as it breaks down as well. Even though you may be able to reach a successful harvest without ph control, adding lime to maintain a consistent ph will keep your soil in an optimal range for your plants to thrive.


Well-Known Member
Agree that ph is important. I disagree that the water significantly affects overall ph in one outdoor growing season, from not only personal experience, but much studying. If you start out with ph adjusted soil at planting time, water a little out of range should have a negligible effect on the soil's ph.


Well-Known Member
Of course, if you are feeding heavily with chemical fertilizers, the effect on the soil would be bigger and happen quicker.


Well-Known Member

i used the grow and bloom with seaweed extract every 2-3 weeks which is like every 3-4th watering like water,water ,water , nutes water, water, water , nutes and so on right thru the whole season just adjust to what the rain is doing and that comes with experience
so at times it is nutes everytime if we get alot of rain all depends on mother nature lol.... and she's a bitch alot here in the maine climate not like ca. where ya can set a watch to the weather hope i didn't confuse ya too much haha
hey getaway. do you use both grow and bloom during both phases(veg and bloom)? or just veg for veg and bloom for bloom? and anyway you could suggest a seaweed extract close to yours?