pH adjustment


Well-Known Member
if your growing in soiless mix with any mainstream nutes you do not EVER need to check ph. in fact checking ph in dirt has more of a chance of causing a problem then solving one. heres why, any organic soiless material is already ph balanced, nute lines are also ph balanced, your water through a grow cannot have an affect on ph. so there, thats it, you never need to worry about ph again! new growers over play ph and get all scared that its off and attribute every little problem to ph. they dont understand that when checking ph your test can be off a bit and so its ok if a ph test doesnt come out just right. then they think oh no it was off and every little leaf color issue must be from the ph. but the truth is you would literally have to try to actually screw your ph up...or just think its screwed up because you tested it and then try to fix what actually isnt broken :bigjoint: 9 of ten people who have a problem have a simple deficiency that can be easily cured with a well balanced feeding


Well-Known Member
up is sodium bicarbonate which is like a plant tums....down is dolomite lime ....someone correct me if im wrong but im usually not :twisted:

420 happends

Active Member
i agree, i bought a ph kit best $14 bucks ive ever spent, having a good ph reading helps out alot when im growing!


Well-Known Member
This is generally what pH up and down consist of.

pH DOWN contains orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4). The concentration is 81%, which is very strong so handle with care. Some other products on the market are considerably weaker so check the concentration before you buy. This is a very dense liquid and should feel much heavier than water.

pH UP contains potassium hydroxide (KOH). This is a very caustic liquid and should be handled with extreme care. Once again our product, at 25%, is stronger than some competing products. Always check the label for best value.

Personally I use coco with chemical nutes. I use the pH down mentioned above and to increase my pH I use POTASSIUM SILICAT.

PH adjustment though is dependant on your growing choice.

As already mentioned when growing organically pH isn't a real concern. Plants in general will survive between pH ranges of 4-8. Obviously there are optimums in this range for nutrient uptake.
