ph adjustment


Active Member
I have made up some soil because my Miracle Grow soil was shit!! After I finished making my organic soil mix, I transplanted my plants and they seem to be doing a whole lot better! But my ph is a hair low (about 6.0-6.3). Now I have some Espoma Organic Traditions Garden Lime that is in pellitized form but am not sure I dare to add any to my plants. And if I should add some, how much? The directions on the back are for huge surface areas and I just can't figure it out! I really don't feel like killing my babies!


Uses the Rollitup profile
No, don't add that lime to your soil now, it should be used before planting. Your pH is fine, and will drift where it needs to be. Over the next month you will water with pH 6.5 water anyway, and everything will even out.

HTH :mrgreen: