PH changing, compoted leaves realyl work?


i'm using our FAQ link :

And if u scroll down to where it says "Lowering soil pH : (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves,"
well it sells it all. Do i literaly go out and crumble some leaves, then throw them in my 1.9L or wateR? Any certian type, green right? Thx. i just really need to make my ph lower. it's at 7!! i need 6.0 acoording to the link provided


Well-Known Member
It says "composted" leaves. That takes longer. The article in the link explains how to compost leaves.


Well-Known Member
Give it at least a few months to have mature compost. There's plenty of guides for maintaining a compost pile. Pay particular attention to what can and cannot go into a compost pile.

Once it's mature, look up how to make a "compost tea." You can use this tea as a liquid fertilizer.

I'm experimenting with compost tea in Hempy buckets (adapted hydro) and basil and it's going very well so far.


months huh, hmm i need a beter alternative then, cosnidering they need water in few days hahaha.

Thx on help yall :joint:


Active Member
months huh, hmm i need a beter alternative then, cosnidering they need water in few days hahaha.

Thx on help yall :joint:
General Hydroponics PH control kit
$17.50 comes with a PH up and a PH down plus a test kit if you ever wanna manually check your PH levels to verify your tester.